
There’s a million reasons why I love of our President. Last week, I got another one. I volunteer with this program in Chicago that pairs you up with a third-grader to work on their reading skills for an hour every Wednesday. You get to work with the same student for a year. Anyway, we were reading this book on China

I'm eating some thin mints right now, so I basically know what it's like to be President.

I thought I was having a stroke.

I just like how clear you made this.

I think about the “the dawnzer’s lee light” scene every time I hear the national anthem.

I would need this sized mug if I had the same scrutiny in my life as Hillary Clinton.

I’ve never understood this. What is there to disagree with? “I’m gay.” “No, you aren’t!”

I’m not even thirty, and I’ve chosen to ignore all the “social media” irritation. I used to have a The Face Book account, but I gave it up when my parents started spamming it. To me, it’s all an annoying blur. It involves Hashed Tags of some sort, if I’m not mistaken. Good luck.

I only use Instagram, never Twitter and rarely FB, and I’m “young.” I follow a lot of travel accounts but sometimes it can be depressing if you can’t go anywhere. You can do a lot with your photos so don’t worry if the lighting or whatever isn’t perfect. I often will not use a filter but just brighten it a bit, but

Someone on here gave me this advice and I pass it on to you. Following museums and libraries on Instagram is awesome. Do it if you love books, art, and history!!

With Twitter... just have fun. Post away. You can’t do worse than Trump. Visit giphy.com and make an account, it’s fun to tweet with gifs sometimes. Twitter can get messy, but it’s easy to keep out of the negative stuff.

I am genuinely shocked by this interview. That’s not snark, or partisanship, or anything else. 26 years in Congress, all of them championing progressive goals, eight of them since the financial crisis, EIGHT YEARS as a sitting, working legislator during the financial crisis and you don’t even know the legal

I respectfully disagree with both your premises and your conclusions.

The most depressing thing is, if you google the white guys in this story - Snow, Fritz, and Isgitt - they’re all “enlightened” liberals, whose social media is full of links to thought-provoking articles and charities. And yet look what happens when they actually encounter a person of color.

They want the local colour, not the locals of colour.

Pardon me, while I jump on your comment to brag about my daughter and share more hope from the next generation. Her teacher gave this to my wife and I at our parent-teacher conference last night:

Have you ever been in a car and had to take a shit so bad that you start to have an existential crisis? You stet to wonder what time is, really, and who you are as a person? Am I the type of civilized human that is willing to show up at this party with poo-pants? How much willpower do I truly have? This happened to me

How is this not considered a weapon of mass destruction??? I am just laying on my floor, rolling around and groaning from how overwhelming this is. I can’t. I CAN’T.

Wait - there are dildos you *can* give to Goodwill?

Maybe if we tear down any progress or significant moments the infighting will distract from the big picture and we’ll never get anything done...oh wait...