
your sister’s the pretty one, but you’re the sexy one.

I haven’t posted in forever and a day.

i once cut a finger breaking a chocolate chip cookie (yes, cookie shards can be sharp enough to pull blood).it was the most dramatic ice cream topping ever.

strangely, you're not alone in that.

first, I'm so sorry you're struggling with these behaviors. They can truly suck the life out of you, so I'm glad you're reaching out here - do you have support at home?

what makes me feel *really* olde is the fact that I remember being a young teen feeling too old to watch the silly show. and now they're apparently adults with preteen children. and I'm still in grad school. tv world and my world timelines get so confusing! :p

Ditto on the Peter Levine book. Also, yoga - connecting to my body has helped me immensely, and learning where the "I" is when the emotions need to work their way through.

brave or crazy?

"The American dream isn't built just upon the promise of success, it's also about the threat of failure."

yes. my uncle, by marriage, is someone I chose to stop seeing once I entered adulthood. his suicide knocked me off-center for quite awhile, to be honest. the guilt and confusion (we were quite close when I was small) were overwhelming. it helped me a lot to with other people who knew him, who were as shocked and

next birthday for me is 'jesus year.' so totally have to remember this : )

or, you know, she prefers that discussions about her breasts not happen in the public sphere at this time (it's possible her preference was different in the past). these quotes indicate that pretty strongly. I wonder if she wanted to model something different for her daughter, or just came to a different understanding

Not specifically for that! I did have a great therapist, though, who encouraged me to be optimistic about my ability to work around some of the limitations. The specifics of the strategies I came up with on my own (partially from having been trained myself). I wonder if that would be helpful for you? And yeah I

Oh also, memory tricks like writing things down, having timers to go off to remind me of things, and even games like sudoku when I feel myself getting foggy again : )

I think it is possible to correct this. Do some reading into neuroplasticity - our brains are amazing things. I have had to take some pretty heavy meds due to severe depression, and I was devastated when I realized I couldn't do math problems in my head anymore. I made it through three levels of calculus, and I had no

I have Shirley-Temple level curly hair. I started straightening it off and on a few years back. The first time I showed up to work with it straightened, my boss complimented my "new look" at the board table, when all the other directors were there: "your new Brazilian wax looks fantastic!"
We all died.
The end.

Yikes, what?! I've seen more than my fair share of spirits, many of them backed up by others experiences (so...pretty sure I'm not just crazy :) but I do tend to just categorize them as once-people, caught now in some inbetween energetic place. What do you think you encountered, and what made you realize it wasn't

Wait, so, you guys don't camp out under beds with broom handles anymore?! Why didn't I get the memo? crap. So much demonizing of children I've been missing out on, fulfilling an outdated feminist duty.

The group (in New England) is called little brothers: friends of the elderly. If there's not something specifically like that in your area, check with the local senior center, community center, or even meals on wheels - they are usually well networked with other outreach opportunities : ) I love pay what you can

Don't know if this is your cup of tea, but I just signed up to volunteer on thanksgiving with an NGO that places young people with seniors, to simply drop by and say hello. I was feeling sorry for myself for not having a family to do thanksgiving with, and when I stumbled across this I realized how much sadder it