
I love Mellie. She's the best character on the show - the strongest one.

france has some major issues vis-a-vis gender equity in the workplace - their parental leave is a wonderful thing, but it's not structured correctly in a way that incentivizes businesses to hire in an equitable way.

I would LOVE to see break-outs for region, race, and sexuality for the USA - I'm sure the ranking drops even further with these intersections at play (go Burundi?!). Hausmann's methods aren't perfect by any means, but it's still compelling. Any woman in the US who thinks the "women's movement" was done in the 1970s

As a former lobbyist, I love the idea of giggling, squirming, tilting my head and waving my arms all at the same time. Pretty sure that impression will not be forgotten. Maybe I'll do that during my next presentation :p

Depends on your perspective : ) to me, it's so bad it's good. The whiskey though is actually just good.

I understand the issues around this, and I try so hard with the little girls (and boys) in my life to send a different message.

hmmm so if I look better, my expertise will grow. duly noted. :)

I am always highly, highly suspicious when I see someone ~age 25 be an "expert" at something complex like policy. I've worked in policy analysis for 10 years, am getting my masters, and have publications under my belt - and I know I'm still a newb.

yeah I'm conflicted about this as well. While I see and acknowledge, and am horrified, by the slippery slope concern (horrified in the sense that it could be true), I think he should be tried for ending these fetuses' chance of life - it's pure speculation, but perhaps one of them was sadly further along? The poor

well, that's kind of presumptiuous and off the mark. I did mention that women/men are in the industry for a range of reasons — from coercion to circumstance to choice. I, personally, have experienced all three. I don't believe it's empowering unless it is empowering, and even then the "power" is under a framework that

that's a fair response. Your tone (or my interpretation of your tone) seemed dismissive in the article, and that last line is what I was referring to with my "laughing off" statements. Yes, academia can definitely be an empty echo chamber - but it does still hold legitimacy that porn and sex work obviously do not in

Really? I know each author speaks for his or herself here at Jezebel, but I would hope to find more of an attitude that is open and encouraging of dialogue and discourse on these matters (um, isn't that what a blog is?). Porn is a huge industry. It's a gendered industry that has influence on people's sexuality, their

I don't think it's weird at all. I'm in Boston and still shaken, but my sorrow is compounded by his youth. Everything is wrong with this story. He did evil actions, but this poor boy. I can't even imagine what led him here.

this poor man, the poor family.

Everyone experiences grief differently, and I think it should be respected that her family doesn't want her image and life spread around after it was so violently taken from her. yes, we are traumatized (and as a current Boston resident and member of the church at the site of the bombings, um I understand that we

thank you, that is beautiful!

Just fine, thanks :) I go to a school with a large international population, so the fact that I'm from the south actually means very little. I think in California I was kind of a curiosity, but given that I'm extremely socially liberal and work in social justice causes, I fit right in to my progressive city. In

Mississippi girl here, born and bred from a family that has been there since the Louisiana purchase. I go to a northeast Ivy League school right now (from a trailer park, with no connections, first in my family etc) so you know ... we're not all dumb hicks. I ditto goldengateblonde's statement, though, having lived