
maybe reach out to your school's career services? find a counselor/actual person there to talk to, don't let them just hand you materials and shoo you out the door (which happens). and hey! it's okay that it can take awhile to find your path. My college journey took 10 years and included five community colleges (and

Oh, home state. As a defector currently getting a professional degree in public policy, you continue to make me sad. A least I'm alive?

am I the only one who loved loved LOVED the book (and oddly loves even mediocre movie adaptations of books; I like pretty things :) ), but isn't much of a musical person? I want to be excited about this ..

having been raised in the south .. even though I have no southern accent .. I can't process it either. I can try really hard to say "pehn" by drawing out the "ehhh" but why? it's so weird and takes so much effort. pen/pin. at least my words don't end with extra "r"s ;)

my heart goes out to her so, so much going through this in a public forum. as a survivor of domestic violence, who lost friends when I did my own back-and-forth dance with the man who nearly destroyed my life, I can't even fathom having my choices and this struggle played out and analyzed by the world at large. my

that was pretty much my first reaction. it's like being bitchslapped in the face with reality by a pygmy 19 year old. this is the world: you're too young, then you cross some invisible barrier and all of a sudden are in the realm of the oldes. not even my wrinkles have caught up yet, apparently ;) (though I'm sure

kick ass rockstar! wow I can't imagine doing this with a kid (well, and "this" for me is just policy school, not med school!) thanks for being an inspiration :)

Congrats to you, too! I still have one more full week until orientation. I am so excited/nervous/anxious/surreal dream state. Hope your month of freedom and starting go well : )

omg I've never even heard of those and there are some that I LOVE. danger will robinson.

guys, it's my last free sunday night before grad school starts! I have been working for 8 years, and am going back to school. if one more hair stylist/personal shopper tells me I "look great for my age" (30) I will scream. here's the trick 20 somethings: saying that only serves to deepen the distance between us. And

smart lady : )

I had a rule that if I hadn't worn something in 5+ years, it needed to go. this might be the rule breaker though.

in six short weeks, I am moving nearly 3,000 miles away. my plan was to get rid of everything that doesn't fit in my car, but this is proving challenging. I'm 30. I will never again have use for a 1930s vintage black crushed velvet jacket from my goth teenage days, or will I?? It's just so lovely ...

I approve of this day wholeheartedly!

that is an amazingly delicious part of yourself to discover :) yay blueberry cobbler. my domestic one comes and goes.

lol. they're important sometimes!

she has been cracking me up all day, chasing shadows then passing out. at one point a puppy possessed her, she pounced me and licked my face a ton. she's a crazy monster : )

karate sleep master.

I'm a few days behind.