
watch drive. it is amazing.

good idea: drink some wine, watch movie.

say no more!

haha I love it! glamour is playing with my kitten and eating a frozen amy's pizza gearing up for netflix ;) that and dissing the boy who tried to flirt with me at the cafe, I was reading while drinking the beer and didn't want to chat. your day sounds lovely. I'm moving from N.CA back to the Northeast (MA/Cambridge)

you can always call therapists and see if they offer a sliding scale - sometimes they don't even promote it, but for some therapists it's available if you ask and explain your situation.

we get about 15 sunny/warm days in my city, and today was one of them. solo city-edge hike, taking in the ocean and world famous bridge, sunbathing while smoking on my fire escape, painting my fingernails, drinking cold beer at the hipster cafe down the street in the sun ... now pizza/sweet wine/martha marcy may

duly noted!

something strange is shifting internally. I was raised southern baptist (you can't get any more deep south bayou southern without falling into the Gulf .. or a bayou) but turned away as a questioning pre-teen. I have huge, huge issues with the church (or really, all churches) and what they stand for, their histories,

omg I live in hippy central city and I have never run across this! as a once-upon-a-time-non-allergic allergic milk girl please let me know how it is. their stuff is usually pretty good but the sour cream is horrific. maybe a manicotti type dish?

why yes, yes it is. do you have the largest cracker evah?

this is fucking ridiculous. that's all I can say. I just got my acceptance into an ivy league school to study women and public policy at the graduate level, and I really thought that my effort in life was to work on higher level gender equality issues. not fucking birth control and the right to work. to face the

oooo I like this! thank you

has anyone used couchsurfing.com? I am spending $ I don't have to visit grad schools later this month (have now been offered two full rides! wee!!) and hotel expenses are daunting. Though ending up dead is, too, 12 years ago I would not have been afraid of such a thing but funny what age/experience/trauma teaches us

those. are. amazing.

I'm sorry you're having such a rough few weeks :( is there a rape crisis center of some kind in your area? I've found extremely affordable (sometimes even free, or so nominal it was cheaper than a cup of coffee ..) therapy - or through training centers associated with schools (i.e., mft trainees - found my current

thank you for the advice :) I'm sorry to hear you've had heartbreak over not finding a clear path to realizing your dreams through your work/career. I'm definitely working on defining things as much as I can - at 30 yrs old now and 5 yrs out of my BA with a mini career already behind me, I have the beginnings of

I always laugh when people say hellz yeah ;) but this is definitely one of those times when anything goes. I just danced with my kitten for 10 minutes solid (I think she actually liked it!)

OMG I got a full ride scholarship + research assistance ship. OMG I'm going to get an advanced degree in women's studies and public policy. and I don't have to worry about funding it. it'll happen. this is really happening.

I do not see my mother because she is toxic, unavailable, still married to my abusive father, and competitive with my eating disorder instead of encouraging for recovery.

actual, laughing out loud. <3!