
don't even get me started on the post 2000ers. I explained the story line (and philosophical ponderings) of "tree of life" to my 3 year old goddaughter a few weeks ago and she followed it, asking decently intelligent questions for a toddler. blows my mind constantly.

best day ever!! anyone I've met with my birthday is undeniably awesome. it's uncanny. happy almost birthday to you too!

working on it ; ) xo

thanks for the reality check : ) that's exactly what it is, though. she's younger than the 3 year olds I used to watch when I was a camp counselor the next summer .. just .. so .. weird. I know they aren't preschoolers forever but cognitive dissonance works wonders. and yay kittehs!

slightly tipsy and watching private practice. no judgement here.

so. I literally just logged in because I looked up this child and she was born in 1997 and that freaked me out. she was born when I was (student) driving and french kissing my first boyfriend.

I know I'm not the first person in the world to discover that trashy tv is a perfectly suitable and generally non-harmful numbing device when the rest of the world feels a little too painful -

I have never noticed that! as one of three daughters, thank you for giving me something new to reflect on : )

um, we were concerned about hiding our pagers. 143!

yes, yes, yes! yes well sigur ros came across my radar about a decade ago SO. thank you for the reminder (I still feel old lol : ) have you heard hilmar own hilmarrson? angels of the universe is quite possibly one of the most soul moving albums I have ever heard, ever.

sigh I'm actually kind of gathering that. rumor has it is a super fun awesome 60s song .. but the rest on youtube are utterly forgettable. sadness. I guess my theloneous monk style hole is not a bad one! ;)

okay, I slightly live in a hole. I work a lot. I listen to Jazz. When I'm not working, I do a lot of yoga, or I read old novels. I partake and walk on the ocean, soak in the sun/fog on my fire escape.

that is insanely beautiful!

ohmygod, that sounds amazing. thank you for giving me my new-recipe-of-the-week idea : )

oof. reflect on this. do you have any reason to doubt him? or her? is it possible they just hit it off as people and enjoy 'talking' to each other? do you have any insecurities if it isn't anything beyond that? are they informed by old stuff, or evidence in this relationship?


haha could very well be if you were there this past Monday around 3pm. I was the girl darting through that insane parking lot traffic to get a picture for my sister (who used to work at borders! : )

I know .. that's what got me. soon. next week :)

chai it is! these will be to go with my coffee for the week so .. it makes sense. will share pictures and recipe tomorrow :)

yup. I listened the song last week after the whole fiasco, and found myself a little haunted by it. good production does wonders, apparently.