
yay for movies! and thanks for the congrats :) it's my sixth and final one so .. phew. I'm applying for my MPP with a focus in feminist analysis - we'll see which schools bite and toss me funds to actually do it, and which ones think I'm a nutter and toss me out. I can imagine a PhD would lead to exhaustion - more

submitting my final grad school application!!! NOW!!!

it's not necessarily harmless if it makes you feel yucky. sign off, change your password, and just steer her away from the computer if she wanders that way.

not pathetic at all. I also have a cold and am in a funk (or Funk with a capital F, the cold certainly doesn't help, being so drained and energy-less! all I want are kittens and hugs .. and soup.) I too have a fun night I'm canceling on. I've been sick for a week, so unlikely I'm contagious, but it's a matter of self

it's really all about the dramatic pause at the end!

oh good heavens. you may be mistaken on that.

well, it's easiest to freak out when there is the least information. from what I read, it seems you haven't heard back from most of the places you applied? so there are a lot of unknowns. moving and starting a new program is a huge life change (that I too am facing in the fall WOOT last application in tomorrow!) so I

yes, circulation. soft sweaters and/or gloves :)

or else it is the unseen 3 person pov who can't make up his/her mind?

guys. I am really upset about this Ross Mirakirimi issue. I love(d?) this guy. I voted for him for Sheriff in part because I believe in him, but also in part because I wanted to see him continue to build his political career. I thought he was one of the actually really good ones. I used to go to city council meetings

oo I quite like mine. from the mood cure (don't judge, may be hippie dippie but I've tried everything and feel desperate sometimes ..)

this made me and my coworker happier than I can possibly ever explain.

seriously, the next time a (close) friend of yours is having a bad day - send them this story. just made me laugh so hard little tears are forming. thanks for sharing!

hey there! I just took this on Tuesday (fun times .. well .. 24 hours after fun times ...) and it maybe made me a little more sensitive to things emotionally, but that's it. 10 years ago it made me sicker than a dog, so, who knows. ignore horror stories, just be gentle with yourself if you're feeling a little sleepy

frightening. and genius, strangely.

oh, man. if telling a bad joke about the kardahsians is enough to convince people that I "like to have fun" then I'm doing things all wrong.

thanks! : ) and uh clarification - a pot roast is not in my goal; rather, being an actual grown up - or something like it. moved out of parents while still in high school SO not sure that counts for me. maybe having my own place w/o roommates .. or having a kid. Pretty sure that one will do it (and a partner to make

ah so things are looser in the UK ;) just kidding .. I'm originally from the US South where girls and any talk of sex or kissing is basically the equivalent burning a bible.

ah yes that could be it, too. my male therapists have been hit or miss - and even the one that was great, there were some things that he just simply couldn't connect with. I also try for therapists within the 15 year age range over me for relateability. (depending on your age : ) so generally not over 45)

I really recommend (this is obvious, but a lot of people don't do it) calling them and talking to them about their philosophies/style/approach if you can. Also, know what appeals to you. I tend to seek out practitioners who are from/have spent time in other countries (helps with the being less judgmental thing, in my