congrats! and crap — I only have 6 weeks left to go; I used to have that goal.
congrats! and crap — I only have 6 weeks left to go; I used to have that goal.
haha glad I could share the memories :D
there are worst things.
I went to a sleepover in a buddhist temple last night! after sitting for nearly three hours (quite long when I haven't had an active practice in *years*). then we had another sit immediately following the wake-up bell (ugh 5.5 hours after going to sleep), followed by a procession, then a warm sake toast in the garden.…
that sounds like every nye of my childhood, oddly. only I think it was Skip-Bo instead of Uno.
wish me luck jezzies! this time of year tends to be one lived in the shadows of traumatic memories (fuck you too ptsd) - but this year, I refuse to be held down. I'm heading off to a zen retreat center in the mountains in about an hour, and will bring in the new year with meditation, ceremony, and sleeping in a zen…
I saw this post hours ago on my phone and had to get home eventually and respond to it. I too worked in non-profit affordable housing for four years until this past may - and you are NOT alone in your experience! it's so easy to burn out so fast in that field (I was in advocacy/lobbying, and good lord are you in CA?…
I have wondered that too, especially since the "rape and incest" "clause" if you will of the pro-choice movement seems to be a fairly consistent mini-phrase. I have a crazy hunch that it has something to do with how "rape" would otherwise be interpreted if it were on its own - like somehow that would not be enough.…
I have two weeks off!! after sleeping a ton this weekend, engaging in artsy projects, getting distracted by the ocean, and xmas shopping I'm heading to the desert - then will have a week to veg, watch movies I haven't had time to see, maybe read some, go on walks, stare into space at cafes.
that. is. disgusting. GOOD FOR YOU for cutting ties, I will say it again, because it's not easy to do. I'm years out of abusive relationships .. and I'm still not super interested in other men. It'll happen some day. you're not a wimp - it's just harder to stand up for yourself when you're putting enough effort into…
yes. good for you for cutting ties! a few weeks is still a very short amount of time, emotional abuse can take awhile to recover fully from.
it's okay to be sad. it's not okay to deal with a mentally ill and abusive family member.
um, thank you for answering the question of what I will be doing during the stay-cation part of my 2 weeks off!
you know yourself better than anyone you can possibly consult with. if it feels different, trust your instinct. can you call your GP and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist? or ask the therapist for one. and no, asking for a specific medication is not odd at all, especially given your knowledge in the area. if the…
are there other store options that don't include the mall? I found everything I needed at small shops (but live in a very large city, so ..)
good luck to you. this is not an easy realization to come to, but it's an important one - and one that many people never actually make. I stopped seeing my family for holidays two years ago, and while there are certainly other emotions to deal with as a result of that choice - I don't have to deal with emotional…
absolutely horrific.
logic! women go there for screenings. some (many?) of these women may or may not have had sex. this is scary. bodies are gross. new clinics now have insta-controversy (intraversy?)
it's like you're in my brain with that.