what is this chocolate espresso torte/raspberry magic? can you share this? :D
what is this chocolate espresso torte/raspberry magic? can you share this? :D
most important method? find a way to shake out the nerves. I used to teach SAT methods to high school kids, and really confidence is the biggest piece - it even helps the other things you do stick. know what you need to study, don't waste time studying what you don't need (i.e., I used to teach the verbal portion, so…
omg you guys, I aced the GRE. like, knocked out the park aced. OMG. and I have a meeting with the director of the program at an ivy league school that is my dream school on Tuesday - I thought she'd direct me to someone else to talk to, but I'm meeting with her. my personal statement is finally shaping into a…
do not be afraid/do not doubt yourself. internships are KEY. it's awesome that you're seeing this path and you still have some time left in school. if you can manage an unpaid internship (sucks I know), do it. I'm not in health policy, but I work in another do-gooder policy world, and found that my stack of…
apparently, I am throwing a party at my house in < 2 hours.
I don't know. I think to some degree it does have to do with judges. The sheer amount of sketchy state laws placing limitations means that eventually, district courts are going to have to take this up — will limitations that make it practically infeasible make it all the way to the SCOTUS? What would a ruling look…
poopers! I vaguely remember that from my venture into law school applications. Have you requested all of your transcripts to be uploaded to LSAC? Are there other minutia steps you can take? Or make a list of all the things you have to do, and if they're not timely, choose one randomly.
when I have something to share with my therapist that I'm nervous about, I write it. I even write down all the "this is why I'm nervous about saying this" so it's out there, and we can address the separate reasons together. Her job is to be there for you. A good therapist understands that clients don't bring issues up…
I've realized one of the easiest things I can do is just start putting in the basic info - signing up for an account online, plugging in the facts. That will help a TON once I start freaking out about the things that take more time (essay finishing touches, recommendations, etc). you can do the facts with a glass of…
I'm sorry that was such a triggering situation for you. I'm in recovery, too, and situations with even the best people can be horrible sometimes. how well do you know the older women? Is there one of them that you know the best/feel the most comfortable with? Does one of them know you're in recovery? Sometimes I make…
those are two great things to console yourself with! buffoons easily laugh. I hope you can find a way to laugh : ) half the worlds population has a need for tampons. I was at work once and an empty mini bottle of wine fell out of my purse! half the worlds population has NO need for mini bottles of wine .. but omg at…
be gentle with yourself. you went through a major trauma and having a reaction is TOTALLY normal. can you have a friend go with you to go shopping, or since it was - yesterday, right? - have someone go FOR you? I was mugged a few months ago and sometimes I still just avoid walking down that street (sucks, a friend…
sent you a message too! (darn too short comment limits, whatever)
:) sent you a message
ohmygod, I think my first draft of my first personal statement for graduate school is done. any writers/grad students/kind hearted folks here want to take a gander at it? I will be sharing it with my boss (one of my recommendation writers), a few friends, some alumni connections, etc .. so I do have editors BUT I'm…
I know it's no longer Saturday .. but I think this should show up in your profile or something (still new to this :)
yup. I just said "wtf" loud enough at my laptop at the cafe to turn a few heads. carry on coffee drinkers, nothing but sheer insanity here.
wow, even better. good luck on that - how much more amazing both for experience and a resume than front desk work in an office :). omg December IS just around the corner. ack.
can you volunteer at a community clinic?
if you have the motivation for it - let them know.