
not really, which for me is the benefit (I work in a scent free workplace). if you want the smellies go for coconut oil :) .. they're probably comparable. you may want to do it a little before bed so it can soak in and not get your sheets oily

google "now sweet almond oil." self-message in the morning - for me, it works better than a white goopy type moisturizer.

yes and yes. blackouts are the worst - especially when you feel like you should be old enough to know better. I've since learned to just not drink more than 3 drinks over a night, ever. why hurt?

thanks :) it's all learnable, I know. it can get a little tricky .. it's just some of this stuff is from 10-15+ years ago (feeling old!). cleaning the cobwebs takes time that's exhausting to give while working full time .. argh. only four more weeks. how four months have flown by I will never know.

dear gre math,

another option is to apply to organizations that don't necessarily have defined or promoted internships. (this is mostly applicable to nonprofits, so I'm not sure if this is relevant to you), send in your resume. — be persistent, but not annoying. we hired our last intern simply because she didn't let us forget she

I think she's fascinating too :) she falls a little flat in the later seasons, but it's questionable whether it's how her character is written or her acting. I don't get the hate, though.

I second Frannie's much more well written out post than I can conjure at this late hour .. there is truth to that review, for sure. Watch it with this critique in mind. Watch it with the meta women in politics and in movies critique in mind (and women in politics in movies, ooo layers!) "The girl's" character is

I'm so not hip, so it's probably more well known that I know of, but another commenter here shared an article by Dear Sugar the other day and I spent most of that day on my couch, sobbing and laughing. [therumpus.net]

you can always create one, and then sit back and watch the show. people are *fascinating*

this may be the middle way! I've felt at a loss because I don't know who to turn to *right now* ... but I work in a part of the field that isn't a right fit right now. it may be that I will find someone to navigate this with once I'm actually deep in it.

there is pragmatism to this answer. fact: I can never be a teacher, or work in education. when an opening came up in an elected official's office that I care (and many of you here do too!) about, and with my networks it was a possibility — I chose not to pursue it, to bow out of recommendations, because I don't want

your encouragement is helpful :) thank you .. I am being careful to choose schools that have an open culture in the first place (because wow, defending my beliefs will be enough of a struggle in the outer world that having some kind of support while I develop my skills is an important piece to miss out on!). it's

thank you for promoting my comment out of grey hidden land

newbie first post nolongerwantstobealurker says hi :)