
I wonder what kind of fucking hilljack sees that picture and their immediate thought is that a plumbing company in Texas must be supplying terrorists. The thought process that has to go through their mind to not only make the least logical conclusion but then act upon it is frightening.

Also, most cops squids are on a huge above the law power trip. They enjoy being that giant dick with a badge crotch rocket. Most traffic enforcement biker gangs harbor societal discontent by giving out shitty revenue generating tickets showing off dangerous tricks to whoever they can, pestering people and generally

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

In his defense, being ONE OF the top soccer coaches IN THAT AREA is a pretty hot seat.

A couple more titty sucking stories and you might just jump up to #11. Ill be waiting..

I'll have you know, the Major Arena Soccer League is the 12th-fastest-growing indoor sports league in North America. Get on the bandwagon now!

"I'm not perfect, but at 42 years old I can say that I've never even been drunk. I've never smoked or done any drugs. I'm as pure as pure can be."

So Ex 38 Studio employee here who was at one point very close to Curt!!!

Keith Law has joined the fun.

I like Pete's plan, and I think we should put it into action right away with this whole ISIS conflict. After all, who can't identify with their fighters' interests in getting a head in the world?

Pete Carroll's explanation for how to prevent a war sounds exactly what I would expect from a guy who couldn't prevent the Rams from beating them with And1-style special teams play.

Life according to Pete Carroll: kindness and compassion can melt Iraqi hearts, fire cannot melt steel.


"How much money would that have cost us?"

You are hypothesizing that this woman had battered woman syndrome upon meeting a dude for the first time? Really?

Please have some common sense. She was at a public concert with security guards and police - why didn't she leave? Why didn't she go to the police after? None of this adds up. I'm against victim blaming if there is any shred of credible evidence or testimony for the victim.

i've spent one year in a war zone and have only seen a grenade launcher used once. wth would a school district need one?

A gun without bullets is still a gun, not just a sweet new laser pointer.

Someone already mentioned this and he responded. The LAUSD does not currently have any of those less than lethal munitions....

Where I'm from we call it "The Macklemore". Bet you can guess where I'm from.