Would this then be considered a corvette class carrier?
Would this then be considered a corvette class carrier?
Did you really expect anything else?
They also support small government, but they want it in every bedroom in the land and in every uterus.
So much for right-wingers who claim to support the "invisible hand of the free market". Seems that only applies when it works in the favor of their preferred lobbyists' industry...
Unreasonable searches. You basically pulled the "let police come into your home and search it if you have nothing to hide" card.
What, exactly, did they "get away with"? They told a bunch of lies and sucked at skiing.
Not to disparage the effort, but this is roughly 900 words too long for a couple of slobs who scammed their way to Sochi, at which they had no impact on the results of the events.
The amount of energy you put into a complete "who gives a shit" issue....staggering. Just staggering.
Honorable mention, footage not available: Bob Costas eating out a Russian hooker's asshole and coming down with double pink eye.
American Ski Pole Karen Carpenter Not Eating It
What about the non-drunkard who does not want to live in a police state?
What if I want to be left alone as I drive to work and home?
If you want to catch drunks, do that. Pull them over when they cross the center line, respond to reports to 911, don't hassle me on my way to work.
From the above:
Why are off duty police officers dressed in uniform?
Clearly to make it appear as though they are on duty. That should not be legal.
Somewhere, Darren Sharper just got an erection.
You're expecting logic from someone who was worshiping Reagan while we were still in high school.
He should quit and work for a private sector security company. He'll love how free and American he feels guarding a sewage plant and getting paid $10 an hour with no benefits.
You basically just said "I have my own personal comedians, whose job is solely to make me laugh until my sides hurt."
Not to mention LEO unions are much more rabid, protective, and irresponsible than any private sector union I can think of. The paragon of hypocrisy.
This is no different than a couple guys I know who are LEO's; anti-union, anti "big Government" and admittedly neo-cons, they are also GULP... Government employees and members of a public sector union, by their own measures the worst kind of union. Basically a self-hating unionist.