
One of the weird things about you is that you feel like you need to constantly flaunt your education, and of course it's in that field.

I was out and about in a small town nearby and stopped in a deli. A local police officer walked in wearing a vest with a full combat load. On a tuesday. I mean, for all I know he was just picking up some coffee and sandwiches before he dug in and defended a strong point, but either way it seemed excessive and odd.

When the question is "Why does the San Diego Unified School District require a tactical nuclear weapon" the obvious answer is W54 20 ton yield warheads were free, we'd be fools NOT to take one.

"This end toward that icky kid you don't like."

Fap in hell, furfags!!

Also, please predict what else may go on this year.

Did they ever figure out who r'unt him down?

The picture of the mujahid pointing his muzzle at the knee of the mujahidette while working with the weapon says all I really need.

I have the same deal. I'm happy with it as long as it stays this way.

Each of the three components are not hell by themselves.

Burning sage of course.

It's a regional thing that makes no sense, like "fixin' to". It means "yeah I hear you, no I don't agree".

Yeah, no, I can agree it's quite the cesspool.

Yes, but even then it's a very rare occurrence for their stores to have a bag of chips in stock to use your Venezuelan money on.

100%? Wow, what do you call your super power that gives you the future sight to a level of 100% certainty? You don't have that super power? You're totally talking out of your ass, and showing yourself to be as shitty a person as those two douches?

See, the difference is NASCAR is objectively terrible. It's like if basketball had never progressed from the 1950's... a bunch of fancy passes and the occasional goal, aka soccer. NASCAR is the soccer of motorsports. It started as a joke, a bunch of rednecks racing their gangster cars around a crappy oval, and you

I scratched my head for a minute but then remembered a place I lived that differentiated between DUI and DWI. Most places don't, it's just DUI.

If you can't be racist at home, then where can you be?? This line of reasoning was definitely my favorite, now, and when the M0zilla CEO stepped down. It's like it's not safe to be a bigot anymore...

Obviously the only place with the right infrastructure, weather, and the all important Olympic Spirit is... Kazakhstan?

"his study showed that increases in bone marrow edema [the precursor to a stress fracture] are more common in subjects who were transitioning to the [Vibram FiveFingers]"