Fluka Greatly Disapproves

One of the few things on the internet that has literally made me tear up from laughter. (Specifically, the first season Superbowl finale, which then came true.)

Bad narration, disappointing malfunctions.

But seriously, fuck telepaths. I just spent an hour trying to kill the one in the greenhouse, since it either killed me, or killed the person I was supposed to be saving. (Hey lady! I mindjacked you and you're free! Start running!) Or I fell off the side of the building and crunched my legs. And once, when I

I did not know this existed, so thank you!

Thanks. :3 And congrats to you as well! In my case, it was the start of a 2 year long complete life overhaul program in which I finally got treatment, moved to the opposite side of the country, and changed careers, and here at the other end things are so much better. But there at the start there's me stupidly

Man, I loved the first season of this show so much. Personal over-sharing time: I started watching it right after I went on antidepressants after a long period of burnout and depression, and I remember being wonderfully surprised at how great it felt to enjoy something again. So the show hit me at exactly the right

"Aw, this is a cute scene. Oh, hey nudity. This was really sweet, I guess it's gonna fade to black now. And now we're behind the waterfall. Oh, we're getting actual kissing animations, cool. And here comes the fade to black. Wait, no, not a fade to black. Wait, is he-? Oh my! :O! :D!"

Good call - they've promised a TON of patching, so it may be a much more polished game at that point…

Unpopular opinion: This game is messy as fuck, but I actually really loved it in the end, and want a sequel (with lots of the problems fixed, ofc).

Why do I have to go to separate screens to save and load save???????? ???

I'm about 20 hours in? (I'm on staycation anyway this week!) It's a DEEPLY flawed game, but it's got some great parts (to go with the shit parts), and I'm having a good time.

This game is a MESS, and I kind of love it. I mean, parts of it are super rough - the lack of a quicksave, the animations of smaller characters (Ryder looks substantially better with a custom face), etc. But the environments are gorgeous, the combat is great, and there's sometimes a real sense of wonder (esp the

Nerdy for a Krogan, meaning a jock in literally any other culture. (Kesh is great)

My Lady Ryder is a hot mess of a first year grad student, and it's fukkin great.

I actually am way more fine with the 3 powers / lack of tactical pause than I thought I'd be. In theory one can actually use up to 12 powers by making four Favorites and swapping between them at will (though I think it triggers an automatic cooldown).

Lexi called dibs.

Pff, I don't need a guide to tell me how to seduce a seven foot tall pink squid kitty man.

Aw geez, Leshens, aw geez.

That's my impression too - this seems more gameplay RPG and less story/choice RPG. Also, I'm running out of Witcher 3 (saving Blood & Wine for a rainy day), and I need something that's not Witcher 3 to tide me over until Cyberpunk 2077. :'( (JK, I'll be fine with Mass Effect coming in 13 days, regardless of that

That was Uncharted 3 and the C-! (Though not John Teti, if memory serves.) May that comment section live in glorious infamy. I think the no grading thing came later, when the game section split and became Gameological, but I'm sure that incident played a part in making that decision.