Fluka Greatly Disapproves

how dare u

Dawwww! And yeah, I'll still come back to lurk!

We have a Discord?! I may very well do that, then!

I do now! :O

Aaaah, that is all fair! It sounds like it was an awesome essay. :)

I respect your Iron Bull stance! I actually still need to play his romance the entire way through, so I may edit this in the future. Inq Spoilers: I loooove the fact that the game really twists the knife in Trespasser if you romance him and let the Chargers die. Betrayal and ridicule!


It was so great seeing Nick get to show off his art more and more, starting from ye olde days when he was a commenter! That shit is properly good. Moar pls.

Anders is a total asshole, but his romance is so goddamn dramatic that I ended up enjoying it. See also: Solas. Aka "Fool me once, BioWare…"

Jaal is FAR and away the best part of Andromeda. And the record holder for Sex Scene That Most Looks Like Sex (tied with Cora). He is a good boy.

Mine was back on the old site, when they interviewed Steve Jaros, the creative director of Saints Row IV, at E3:
I've never seen an interview which has so thoroughly convinced me to buy a game.

A fully acceptable answer.

Haven’t been here in a while, but I’m not making the jump to Kinja, so coming back to do this one last time! This weekend I’m finished playing but still thinking about Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. Which…might be the best new game I’ve played in the last 18 or so months? At the very least it’s one of the most


*Googles* Oh, hot damn, that's less than two miles from my old house. Of COURSE they added it after I left. D:

Oh man, I'm so so happy to hear that this succeeds at least to a some extent, and that it's getting some good reviews. This was the rare (non-bioware, cough) game where I followed the dev diaries and development from the first announcement trailer onward, and it sounded like they were taking a very thoughtful

Yeah, having spent a few years in Cambridge, I also still get that little feeling of excitement whenever I hear about a writer, game dev, or other famous (non-academic) person there. I think maybe because the center of the city is so small and you could conceivably run into them walking on the streets. Unlike my

"Chris O’Dowd, the thinking woman’s rom-com love interest."

Me: "That's cool, but it's not directed by Guillermo Del Toro -_-"
The movie: "I'm directed by the Spartacus guy."
Me: :O

I liked this way more than I should have.