Fluka Greatly Disapproves


I think this article managed to hit everything I was looking forward to!
Here are the current excitements of my lizard brain:
- Mass Effect Andromeda: Because I would play it even if it's terrible, and at the very least it looks absolutely gorgeous, and your asari companion is a Rogue Academic, and space.
- Prey: Because

After finishing the somewhat disappointing main campaign for NWN 2 (some good characters, an *awesome* trial, but so much damn busy work!), I started Mask of the Betrayer. And…holy shit, it's really fucking good? Apparently I am extremely weak against Chris Avellone and his rich, philosophical writing with hints of

I really hope this is decent, as I finally own a PS4, but man if it doesn't look dull as dishwater half the time. Beautiful dishwater, mind. But there's still some spark that's missing for me. Maybe it'd help if the main character didn't have the same "naive fear" facial expression every five seconds in these

Did you ever go the old BioWare Social Network forums, before they were shut down? The subreddit is a civilized forum of adult discussion compared to that shithole. Here's to hoping that ME:A learns from the successes and mistakes of DA:I! And that the next Dragon Age does as well…


PaganPoet! Good to see you here too! :D
I'll probably adjust to the lack of a power wheel / pause screen soon enough… Otherwise, mostly just waiting to figure out who my new Space Boyfriend is going to be at this point!

Unclear to me if the module they're using is somehow trained on reddit comments to get negativity or positivity (e.g., using upvotes or downvotes to label sentiment), or if they're exporting an external model of what sentiment words and linguistic constructions look like. If it's the latter, negativity on reddit

The original Mass Effect / KOTOR team is apparently working on a new IP (a new team, BioWare Montreal, is doing Andromeda). There's been no discussion of since 2013, however.

Well yeah, but SR4 is the greatest romance(s) of all time.

I'm still looking forward to it, but my enthusiasm is muted a bit by two things. First, the fact that it's an entirely new team making it (albeit with some of the older writers and designers). Second, that they've shown so little, and what they have shown has been action-heavy as opposed to story or atmosphere

This one is intrigued.

There's a female Krogan non-squad engineer on one of the ark ships (or the Tempest?), I think, so you may indeed get your wish! Also, of course, a female Turian squadmate that the fandom already wants DESPERATELY as a girlfriend for their femRyders.

Not enough.


Yeah, the marketing has been VERY strange for this one. They're clearly going for a Fallout 4 style reveal followed by a fast release, but they've keep stuff SO under wraps, as far as explaining the systems and introducing the characters goes. I think they may have gotten burned by Inquisition's thorough marketing

On the one hand, we've still seen so little of the game so far, and it appears there's been a troubled development cycle, and they seem to be moving away from the more tactical pause-able squad play of the trilogy in favor of something much more run-and-gun and realtime. All of which I'm wary of.

On the (very small) plus side, in twenty or thirty years we'll get some kickass art photography of the decaying, abandoned McMansion developments, a la the work of Lewis Baltz!

Grew up over the border in SE Pennsylvania, the counties around Philly, and yeah, I hate them for the same exact reason. There'd be a beautiful hill or field, maybe with an old barn or a copse, and suddenly it'd be nothing but mud and these ugly monstrosities, with no trees or grass anywhere around them, and a bunch

My high school neighborhood was full of ever more of these as I grew up, as they gradually ate up the beautiful surrounding farmland, and yeah, the primary thing I noticed was how hideously artificial and cheap they looked. Cheap cheap cheap siding, with even cheaper-looking stone plastered on the side to make it