Fluka Greatly Disapproves

My husband and I watched the first season mostly while drunk on Friday nights! It was mildly amusing!
…We did not watch anything after the first season.

They finally mostly got the balance right in the Jaws of Hakkon region. Decent sidequests + good variety.

A very special and lucky goat indeed!


The Druffalo Herding Quest can be made enjoyable by herding Druffy to a high-level Rift. That goddamn cow is mean as fuck and CAN'T. BE. KILLED.

And an RPG Classic: Romance Your Direct Subordinates Wednesday!

Just wait until the next D&D edition has a Project Manager class!

Yeah, I hesitated to recommend the The Tomb of Fairel questline, since it really is just a bunch of trekking around looking for tombs, and thus is not everyone's cup of tea, but my god that area is so beautiful and atmospheric that I actually kind of LOVE it. Dark, star-lit night in the dessert, with a single lantern

I've walked in on my husband making Excel spreadsheets for games more than once.

"Hello, have you heard the Good Word of Zerthimon?"

Still playing gosh darn Neverwinter Nights 2, possibly forever. Suddenly I've got a Keep - hell YEAH - but suddenly the game wants me to manage finances and troop deployment and HR - wait wut. Whoa whoa whoa whoa…I'm a CHAOTIC Good puckish rogue here, folks. Why am I suddenly tasked with Neverwinter middle

Re Dragon Age: it's a cliche, but avoid the Hinterlands, man. The Hinterlands are the wooooorst. Otherwise, choose sidequests with judgement. The main questlines for most of the regions are good, and capturing keeps is always worth it, but many of the smaller quests are just filler. Do NOT worry about collecting

The rabid hatred of disco has some interesting, uh, overtones, especially given that it's so associated with gay and black artists. The secret is that disco fucking WON. The sound just got transmuted into other genres. Mostly cuz dancing is awesome.

More likely to get a repetitive stress injury, though.

Breaking Madden tho.

Being terrible at games means no one ever pressures me to play online. I miss out on a lot of getting yelled at by Russian LoL players as a result.

As someone who does not personally enjoy Esports, but who works at a place in proximity to lots of Esports stuff (enough that my company has a style guide for the correct spelling of 'Esports' versus ESports or e-sports), these games ABSOLUTELY require some level of physical ability. The aforementioned maximum CS:GO

If I ever get a tattoo, it will likely be this.