Fluka Greatly Disapproves

This sounds ridiculous, but iZombie sounds even more ridiculous, and I LOVE iZombie.

What's that? Play the Deus Ex DLC you say? Okay!

Like Sam Barsanti, the McElroy brothers have been keeping me sane this past week. MBMBaM, but also my ongoing journey into The Adventure Zone, plus repeat viewings of Monster Factory. All three of them (plus their dad) are just such darn nice, decent people…who happen to also be unbelievably funny. Their humor is

I've been trying to distract myself in whatever way possible this past week, for obvious reasons. As a very tiny comfort, I managed to play and finish one very distracting and enjoyable game indeed: the Titanfall 2 singleplayer. It's…really really good. Like, can't play before bedtime because I'm jittery afterwards

Yup, that's right, I did just reinstall Skyrim!

This looks amazing and all, but I have no time at the moment to get addicted to crack, thanks.

And the sinking, tilting luxury tower?

I really really loved TLWTASAP (phew!) - it felt like a book by someone who had been in love with Star Trek and Mass Effect and similar sci fi for most of her nerd life, and who was most interested in the relationships and alien cultural aspects of the space opera genre. Which, incidentally, is precisely my own set

Oh hell yeah, I'm pretty much doing this to play Mask of the Betrayer. Need more Chris Avellone, now that he's a free agent and Obsidian is not a reliable supplier. I don't know much about Zehir - what's the deal with it?

Still playing Neverwinter Nights 2 main campaign here, and hopefully getting to the end of the first act. Current companion power rankings for my Chaotic Good moon elf rogue lady:
1. Qara: burns shit constantly, talks about how much she enjoys burning shit, and how her former classmates don't appreciate her for

All you fancy brave people in the comments saying that the repetition and poor mechanics made the game stop being so scary after a while! Some of us are still weanies who can't even make it through YouTube videos of Amnesia without needing to go hide under a blanket with a soft cat for a while. D':

God, what a great game STALKER is. (At least Shadow of Chernobyl - I've been saving Call of Pripyat for a rainy, slightly radioactive day.) Though it works as horror not just because of the constant hostility of the environment, but also because when true horror does finally arrive, it's genuinely unexpected. The

Well, Mass Effect: Andromeda is the start of a whole new storyline and comes out early next year… (We'll see if it's any good!) I have hopes that CDProjekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 will have some good character customization too, since their The Witcher 3 did so well on the writing and roleplaying elements.

You are welcome! I think ME is popular with ladies on this site too (myself included in a borderline obsessive way, though I haven't been as active here recently). Whenever I see a Mass Effect N7 hoodie / shirt in the wild, it's almost always a woman wearing it, too. Both ME and Dragon Age have very similar

I've actually never played the new Tomb Raider! I really should at some point…

Also, a weird contrast: Wolfenstein The New Order. Developed from a similar type of masculine pop culture genre template, with a blond-hair blue-eyed jarhead dude shooting Nazis in the head as its protagonist, but somehow ended up being VERY unexpectedly sensitive and thoughtful, with empathetic portrayals of its

It's the best singleplayer game ever that I have NEVER had any desire to play.

This is definitely a large part of Rockstar's reasoning behind their mostly-male casts. They are deliberately chasing Hollywood and trying to recapture the feel of those particular "badass" movies. I do wish they'd innovate within the formula and genres a bit, and not just in terms of diversity. But they make so

As a woman, Rockstar's GTA games have always felt like the single most giant pop cultural phenomenon which were designed specifically Not For Me. Even more so than your Uncharteds, your Witchers, or perhaps even your Call of Duties/Battlefields.