Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Steam machines, son!

why would you do this

Hot take: KOTOR II (with fan modding) is the single best piece of Star Wars content.

But only if Chris Avellone comes back…sigh…


Man, finally finishing a successful final mission in Experienced for Invisible Inc is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. That shit got SO. TENSE. And then it all pulled together in one magnificent turn, in a perfect combination of upgrades, character abilities, and equipment. Love that game so much, even

I'm on Team The Ending Was Fine for What it Was And It Didn't Ruin the Game or Franchise For Me But It Could Have Been A Lot Better. (Phew, that's a complicated team.) I like the damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't nature of the final choice, if not the specifics of the choices themselves.

Actually getting back into playing games more regularly helps a bit, so I have something to share! New job + gaming rut meant I didn't have much to add for a long time. But more time + better games = time to return here!

Daw, thanks! :D Gonna make an effort to come back more again - I've missed this place!

Thanks! It's good to be back! :D Where else was I gonna share my weird-ass Deus Ex opinions?

*Skitters under the couch, tail puffed up!*

As Otakunomike says, there's a shower scene where he stoically wipes steam off the glass cabin with his strong cyborg hand. Also, he answers a lot of videocalls shirtless for some reason. So 'spretty good!

Yeah, I was completely hooked when I got to first choose my god (from like 40 god options) and THEN choose my background trait. "You're saying I can chose to be a Tale-Teller, a Troublemaker or a Flirt? Game, we're gonna get along juuuuuuuuust fine." Then later I got slut-shamed for being a flirt, and that was RUDE.

Thanks! It's nice to be back! :)

I am a total weenie, but this is good to know!

The stealth is good enough to make me still really like it, and some of the art direction is so very lovely. The new augmentations I tried (remote hacking, "dash" aka 'yeah it's Blink', and the Tesla cannon once I actually figured out how to lock onto multiple targets) were all fun. But a lot of it feels very

It's slowly been gaining a really good reputation, I think. The folks on my usual PC gaming podcast (Crate & Crowbar) have clearly been having a total blast with it, with enough good stealth and ridiculousness to sell me on a THIRD stealth franchise this year.

Having just finished a nonlethal mostly-stealth-but-kinda-lazy Deus Ex Run, and having previously done Dishonored as nonlethal Corvo, I might break type by going full-on steathy murderdemon with Emily for D2. Her powers just look so fabulously evil.

Dishonored 2 is next on my stealth-n-murder junket…specifically since I'm a dirtbag and preordered it, sigh. But I think Mr. 47 is on the list for a Holiday Steam Sale!