Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Weeelllppp, guess it's time for me to finally get Hitman.

Me, 2015: "I can't even handle youtube videos of Amnesia, but I'm sure I'll do fine with Alien: Isolation!"

Oh wow, I'm actually here to post / comment this week. It's been a WHILE.

That's a very nice way of putting it.
(I love DA2 with all my heart despite it being kind of a shit show sometimes.)

Ugh. Modern fiction was a mistake.

Yeah, the whole thing never really seems to catch the spark the first one had, either in story or art design. There were so many interesting avenues to pursue…and they didn't seem to actually take any of them. If Jim Sterling's source is to be believed, however, there was major Square Enix meddling with the game,


(Also, as a profoundly vague hint as to what I've been up to job-wise, I got name-dropped at a PAX talk today. *wiggles eyebrows*) (I'm extremely happy about this.)

Awww, this is sweet! I kept meaning to stop by to join the Mankind Divided conversation this week, but I've been completely buried at work, and haven't had time to write anything besides "vents good!". Also, I've made very little progress in the main storyline, so I don't yet feel qualified to comment on the success

Aah, Spacemonkey. Thank you for beating me to making a Švankmajer reference. These designs are some Brothers Quay level shit.

Some are, some aren't. I really loved the two series that I've played (Wolf Among Us + Borderlands), but I also bought them near the end of their release cycles, so I didn't have to wait the up to 4 months between episodes. And GoT apparently went downhill pretty fast. I've done well with waiting 2-3 episodes

Is this the Telltale that made Walking Dead S1, Wolfamongous, and Tales from the Borderlands? Or the one that made Walking Dead Season 2+ and Game of Thrones? If it's the former, I'm excited as fuck, and the Batman / Bruce Wayne split is very intriguing. If the latter…ugh, more Batman…

Tales from the Borderlands is far far far better than it has any goddamn right to be. It feels like it should be a total throwaway piece of crap, but it's probably the funniest game I've played since Portal 2, and it's got some really great characters. The gameplay consistently goofs on the tropes of Telltale, and

I'm pretty sure this scene was filmed entirely because my aging parents started watching the show.

Don't you have a Bern to go feel or something.

Better than me. I kept falling asleep during even the "good" episodes. :(

I'm just amazed that the AV Club comment section is now at the point where we're accusing writers of being SJWs for not liking mediocre second seasons of superhero TV shows.

Tell us more o libertarian socialist

oh no media analysis

no stop that