Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Dune is…fine. Not bad, but certainly not "incalculably brilliant." Detailed and imaginative world building with fairly boring character writing. And the imagination, as always, stops before doing anything interesting with the role of women in the plot.

I love these moments. My husband and I finally got a PS4 recently, and I decided to test it out with Assassin's Creed Black Flag…

This may have just sold me on the game.


Thanks! I've got a giant roster of my current job training program colleagues to systematically murder/disappoint in battle!


No, it's spelled "J-u-s-t G-o-n-n-a P-l-a-y M-a-s-s E-f-f-e-c-t f-o-r t-h-e F-o-u-r-t-h T-i-m-e".

God damn it, you cracked the code. Okay everyone, now that you've got someone on the "inside", here's some hot new leaked news about Valve's upcoming projects. Just don't tell anyone I told you. ;)
- Blizzard and EA games all coming back to Steam to live in perfect harmony. Also Destiny and Red Dead Redemption.
- The

Have you tried updating your graphics drivers? ~*~*~OFFICIAL VALVE CUSTOMER SERVICE~*~*~

I'm gonna say…yes! ~*~*OFFICIAL VALVE CUSTOMER SERVICE~*~*~

Thankee! I will happily field all Valve-related complaints. (I'm not working for them, but *someone* needs to do customer service for them, god damn it.)

I started the game trying to play dark side, but gradually turned back to light side, which always happens to me, but actually made for an interesting narrative in this case. The interesting thing about KOTOR2 is that the actual meaning of "good" is much more ambiguous than usual for RPGs from this period. The

Holy shit KOTOR II is so damn good and makes me wish I hadn't stopped studying the humanities ten years ago so I could write a thoughtful dissertation on its subversion of black and white Star Wars morality and the seductive Nietzschean philosophy of Kreia. *catches breath!*

No, but I actually have another former physics coworker who now works for King Games, i.e. the Candy Crush people?

I haven't slept for two months, so what's another week matter?!

haha I've said too much.

Nine months after quitting my job in academia and starting a career transition, I finally got a new job today. Also, after two months in storage post-move, my gaming PC is now sitting in my new study and is fully operational again. I have no more tech whiteboard interviews, and I have at least a week off before I

I love you, you fucking ridiculous TV show.

They're, uh, my two favorite of his movies?

Christ this looks boring.