Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Number 1 will never not make me laugh.

Plz use all the same Hannibal actors, directors, and cinematographers in your new Star Trek, Mr. Fuller. With Mads Mikkelsen as a suave, cultured Cardassian and Hugh Dancy as the bookish overachieving doctor he lunches and sometimes flirts with. (To reveal both my current and 90s ship!)

Since Arthur and Lancelot.

My mature adult self thinks this is really promising! Fuller Trek should be an interesting partnership!

Plz give me Cardassian Mads Mikkelsen.

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in…

That was a GIFT, you ungrateful bastards!

Not counting the mezzanine.

Narrative is still awesome, though!

I'm not very far in, but I find the gameplay pretty fun so far. It's probably under the heading of "easy to learn, difficult to master" - I'm doing well on my easy missions, but I get the feeling that my strategies will soon get me hideously killed on harder levels. As Just Another Day says above, it also helps that

Just a wee bit.


After years of spiritual torment and post traumatic stress (read: academia), it feels weird that this is the game that I'm playing now that I'm in a good place job-and-sanity-wise. But I am, and I'm finding it actually quite…relaxing? The threat of death and damnation is so omnipresent that it ceases to be a worry.

I think I might be hallucinating this movie from sleep loss, but if I'm not, I'll be there DAY. FUCKING. ONE.

It's actually not an exaggeration - the game really is that insane and morbid. VERY replayable, too.

Posting from the ~*~future, one hour from 2016~*~ to say that I'm glad that someone else didn't like this episode either. It felt like an incredibly forced turn in plot, moving away from the more interesting Steel Mountain stuff and ending with the entirely predictable and nihilistic death of a likable character.

I remember putting points into Falconry and then my goddamn Falcon saved my life and I felt so goddamn smug.

Didn't think you needed to take those classes in Interior Decorating? TOUGH SHIT YOU'RE DEAD.

Maaan, I got The Witcher 3 for free and tried to play it when I was unemployed and free as a bird, and I STILL didn't have enough time for it.

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