Fluka Greatly Disapproves

I, uh, don't actually know. I think I checked out only a few episodes after that (and from what I understand stuff only got worse). So I'd like an answer to this question as well!

Aaaah, it would make me so happy if this show were good again, after the absolute fuckery of Season 2.

Yes, while Age of Innocence has veeeery sexy glove unbuttoning, View goes straight for the dong. Rollicking, fresh Rupert Graves dong.

He's such an unabashed nerd. It's amazing.

Dawkins is living proof that just because someone is an expert in one particular field, does not mean they're an expert on everything else.

"Say what you want about the tenets of Sharia Law, dude, at least it's an ethos."

I wonder if that poor man ever got his honey back.

I highly, highly recommend BtWaM. It's nice and short, and delves into some of that atheism. He's a pessimist but in the most thoughtful possible way, believing in the need for direct action and resistance, rather than the inevitability of the idea that "the Arc of the Moral Universe Is Long But It Bends Toward

More like Ta-Nehisi STOATS!


Too soon. -_-

"Oh, so the site is a PARODY of TMZ-style gossip sites?"
*Goes to site*
"Oh, wait, no. It's a celebrity gossip site, but snarky, so we can feel good about ourselves while reading celebrity gossip."

And if not yet dead, Book Reviews have been on life support for a few years now.

"Oh, again? Sure, let's just get this over with."

Aaaaaaahahahahahhahaaaahahahahaaaaaa! That is amazing. "I love you, pillowy qunari bosom…"

Yeah, in Cullen's case, apparently he was a later addition to the romance roster. They had a choice of having lots of physical contact with just the human/elf model, or less physical contact with all four models (because of the time needed to check that every single race's body works). They went for extra kissing.

Vague spoilers for Trespasser: he's sooooooo much more of an asshole than that post-credits scene indicates. …I totally need to romance him now.

This is a good comment.

Two recommendations, if we're talking specifically culture critics. I really really like Linda Holmes from NPR, who usually takes a very measured, thoughtful approach to TV and film crit which nonetheless comes out very feminist. See a commenter above mentioning her point that the problem with Black Widow is that