Fluka Greatly Disapproves

I usually like Sarkeesian's work, but she was very much off-point for me when it came to Mad Max. I could see where she was coming from, re: a dislike of violence, but I don't agree with her conclusions at all (and the whole idea of a text being a binary "feminist" or "not feminist" is bullshit). Whatever, can't win

This comment: PROBLEMATIC

Could have a vaguely Shadowrun-esque shape, yes! I'm hoping along the lines of mild cyberpunk. BioWare actually had an Alpha Protocol-esque spy game in development at some point too in the last decade, too, but it got canceled, sigh. Or maybe it'll be something entirely sui generis? That'd be cool.


Not much at all. Someone compiled all the existing information and tweets in a forum post here, and besides some of the writers and developers, all we know is that it's more "contemporary":

Let's just say that Varric has fans on BOTH sides of the Veil.

The enemies by the Bandit's Gold for me. "Oooooh, gold! …Uh oh."

It's actually not! (Although the end of the DLC itself is a rather big stinger.) Instead, it's some really wonderful character stuff which made me laugh quite a bit. And then tear up a bit because it was all really over.

Oh for sure!

I think his writer is Mary Kirby, but she too has been moved onto the mysterious new IP as far as I can tell, so this is likely his last time as companion.

*Appears as a dark silhouette behind you, eyes shining sinisterly.*
Let your wife play Trespasser.

Iron Bull: Hey, Varric, I was reading your stuff. Where did your bad guys come from?

Haha, wow, yeah. You know who you're meeting at the end, but without spoilers, it packs a really fucking huge whallop. That fucking bastard… It's like Arrival, if Arrival actually worked emotionally and dramatically.

It requires it, yeah - it's a 2 year time jump.

NO MORE PJs. And aaaactually, you don't even need to buy the DLC for that. The latest free patch added a "wardrobe" which gives you a choice of ~10 outfits in various styles and colors, some of them not bad at all. Can change as soon as you hit Skyhold. It's fucking amazing.

Hakkon was *hard*, even as a nigh-unbeatable Knight Enchanter. There are some rifts with, like, double nightmare demons. And at one point I came across 4-5 level 25 despair demons which took about 4 tries to beat. Very fun.

Sooo…once I know the secret reason for her exposure, will I feel ashamed of my words & deeds?

Given his propensity to appear as himself on other Comedy Central shows, I'm actually surprised they didn't get him for the sketch:

Oh shiiiiiiiit! A chance to sell Invisible Inc to someone!

Please don't tell me this. I do not have the time for a new game, even one with pooping horses and fiery unicorns.