Fluka Greatly Disapproves

This is a year where we've been spoiled for choice re: indie stealth games, isn't it? I'm on record as looooving Invisible Inc, and now we've got both Satellite Reign and this. (AAA-wise, I don't much care for MGS, so I'm stuck waiting for the next Deus Ex and Dishonored next year…)

Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Dum dum dum the night
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Dum de dum dum plight
He steals dum dum dum
And dum dum dum dee
Dennis dum, Dennis dee, dum dum dum

I am unreasonably happy to hear this.

Ugh, that sucks. I think I've heard others talk about burnout in non-profits in the past as well. I hope you manage to find something new which both excites you and also pays the bills (with room to spare)! Money doesn't buy happiness, but it is unfortunately a prerequisite most of the time. :/

I'm trying not to think about it too hard! If I do, it's "OH SHIT I GAVE UP AN INCREDIBLY PRESTIGIOUS JOB AND I CAN NEVER GO BACK TO PHYSICS AND NOW I'M DOOOOOMED." But remembering how much it crushed my spirit helps.

This is me with games from BioWare's Edmonton branch. Those jerks own my soul.

Fuck, I'm halfway through and I'm burned out. I feel like spending the weekend gardening instead.

It *is* overwhelming! But it can be managed! My tips…

I recommend looking around somewhere like Offworld. They cover lots of smaller games, which usually can run on a phone or a basic PC, and they have a focus on interesting, fun, and artistic stuff. (It's where I learned about Neko Atsume, for instance.) Lots of good palate cleansers, most of them very short.

Oh man, that sounds like me as well. I've been happily married with a fancy-sounding job for the past half decade, with two awesome cats, but during that time I've oscillated between discontentment and actual depression (which I finally started treating a year or so back). Most of this was job and housing related,

Yaaaay! \o/

Already done episodes 1 and 2 a few months ago, and I'm fucking in love with the series. No clue why I haven't done the next two yet.

Oh sure. It's a neat bit of story, but between its frustrating difficulty and veeeery awkward placement, it's pretty obvious why it was cut.

That does sound refreshing! I think I'll keep playing it, but mix it up with another game at the same time in case I get bored again. "Sitcom-esque adventures" sounds good to me!

I suddenly have this wonderful image of Geralt carrying around a tiny Witcher Day Planner. "-Buy alcohest -Sharpen swords -Research basilisk -Find Dandelion -***Find Ciri!!*** -Kill noonwraith<-(THIS IS OVERDUE!!!) -shave"

The pacing really IS terrible, isn't it? On the one hand, the sidequests are for the most part very well written, and many individual moments feel great. On the other hand, I just have no clue why I'm bothering with the story at some point. I *know* the next stage of the game is taking me to Skellige, so why am I

I wrote a whole big thing about how I was previously loving The Witcher 3 but have suddenly, in Novigrad, become really fucking tired of The Witcher 3, particularly since I'm not even close to being done, and despite its aesthetic charms the story and characters are no longer doing anything emotionally or artistically

Adore KOTOR2 to bits, but the difficulty curve is all over the map. It became super-easy once my Exile leveled up Force Lightening, but the moment the game forced me to play solo with another character (*always* a ranged one like Mira or Atton or HK-47) it became the hardest fucking thing. Sincerely: someone who

Huh, I'd never thought about it before, but between Surface Detail and Player of Games, Iain M Banks has done some of the most insightful writing about videogames I've ever read in sci-fi, with both books approaching virtual reality from two entirely separate directions. Player of Games is mostly interested in the

Oh man, that walking simulator actually sounds pretty awesome.