Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Haha yessss my Vernon Roche romance screenshot finally made Keyboard Geniuses. OTP!

Holy shit. I mean…wow.

Fine, but you'll miss some extra-flirty drawings of FISTO and Vulpes Inculta. (Not just tumblr, btw - the arrival of the "inexplicable red nose" can be correlated with the downfall of Penny Arcade.)

Currently in the middle of the game, but read your comment anyway since I don't care about spoilers, and GASP! :O :D

Some artist on tumblr was making a Fallout dating sim at some point, and Fisto was THANKFULLY one of the possible waifus. I think it was just drawings in the end, but it was pretty awesome:

Living in a gilded cage surrounded by robo-women, though. Sounds like a much ruder version of Mr. House.

Don't forget that Alistair will dump you fucking COLD in the first game, too, if you make a certain set of choices. Mass Effect romance is easy, but Dragon Age romance will fuck you up. (And not in the good way.)

I got a mod where all eight of the NV followers can follow you at a single time. Man, if you thought the companion AI was bad with *two* companions….

Implicit romances which organically grow out of friendships are always the best when it comes to games like these, whether or not they are actually canonized in an "official game relationship." My Courier and Boone felt like actual comrades, and I definitely imagined a romantic undertone in their later interactions,

"Matt, I've been thinking…we could all be dead soon…shit, I can't believe I'm saying this… You don't have to die a virgin."
"Can you call me NyteBlayde?"
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Do you still wanna have a go?"
"Eehhh…what the hell."

In KOTOR2, Atton at least ends up being a really great character, and I like his romance a LOT more than Carth's (both a boring character and a romance which feels vaguely demeaning). But calling it a "romance" is rather pushing it, since it never goes beyond flirtation and unrequited longing, then either ending

Truly, it is the saddest sex ever. I didn't even feel like killing him after that, since all of my hatred had been converted to intense pity. I mean, shit.

Morrowind was well written, in the fantastic intricate weirdness of its lore and meditation on the development of myth and religion. Still not great when it comes to character, though, as far as I remember. Since then, though? Eeeehhh…

Oh for fuck's sake, Internet.


Oh shit, I've been trying to remember the name of a certain edutainment series for *years*, and your mention of Doctor Brain was finally the answer I was looking for. Thanks for that!

That's EXACTLY the line I was remembering!

Oh geez, yeah, I remember how painful that comments section got, as well. Between that and AC3, Teti really was quite prescient in his reviews in terms of being one of the first people to point out bullshit, be it in AAA or art games. I really really miss The Digest…

I won't get to play this, because PS4 exclusive (grrr). However, I just wanted to say that I've really missed John Teti's game reviews, particularly his negative game reviews. (*Smiles to remember the AssCreed III review.*)

I loved it too! Again, appropriate circumstances: I played it during a lonely Christmas with my inlaws, far away from home, on my laptop during a power outage in a storm at night. The final beach, with all the candles and letters, made me tear up.