Fluka Greatly Disapproves

See, I loved Dear Esther, but everything I read about this game makes it sound really really tedious (can't play it yet, because Chinese Room betraaaaayed me and went PS4-exclusive). Part of it sounds like a function of length. Dear Esther was, if anything, less interactive than the game described in the review.

Tacoma looks really frikkin awesome. And judging by the zero-g jumps and sign-language-operated doors in the reveal trailer, it'll be at least slightly more dynamic than slowly walking around an empty English town.

Yay for being a decade behind the times!

Just watched it a few hours ago, and yeah…yeah, you chose wisely. It hurts really really bad to watch.

I love the banter where Dorian owes money to Varric over some bet regarding nug digits. "I had no idea nugs possess such creepy little feet. Stuff of nightmares."


As far as I'm concerned, every single thing John Wick does in this movie is justified by the death of that poor cute little doggie. Spouse? Child? Whatever. But a puppy? KILL ALL RUSSIANS

Story that no one cares about but me: this article popped up in my RSS feed as my husband and I were watching John Wick, about 10 minutes after my husband asked "Is this being turned into a videogame?"

Wish I could upvote this comment a second time. Atton and Kreia were my favorite characters in the game, pretty much for the reasons you describe. Everyone knows that Kreia is one of the best characters of all time, but the utter strength of Atton's writing is a great surprise as well. He should be a Carth/Han Solo

Somewhere between the first trip to the Academy, where I argued the motivation for my Exile-causing action with Atris, and that conversation with Kreia, I knew I was sticking with this game to the goddamn end.

Given your oft-stated dislike for good/evil morality systems, I think you'll like it a lot. I mean, it's Star Wars, so you still gain Light and Dark side points for the obvious things, and you're still fighting evil Sith dudes, but it's so much more complicated than that, and characters who initially seem like

The traditional cRPG gameplay is rather crap, but the writing is so good that it doesn't matter. (Bonus that you can talk your way out of many boss fights!) It's honestly a Top 5 game for me, despite coming to it over a decade late.

Yup! Though it's less remastered and more updated for better running on modern systems (up to 5K, heh) and given Steam Workshop support, which makes installing the TLSRCM mod super duper easy. Also, achievements, for those that are, like myself, easily amused by shiny objects.

Just finished playing Knights of the Old Republic II yesterday. And hooooly crap. I enjoyed that a lot more than I could have predicted. The plot, the characters, the editing… Of course, it helps that it may be the least Star Warsy Star Wars to ever Star War. I’m not sure I ever expected quite so much Nietzschean

Oh yeah, sure, that one of the new background options in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Ooooh Christ and now I'm crying. This is one of the movies from my childhood that still makes me automatically burst into tears. See also: the Winona Ryder version of Little Women.

In a game full of red flags, Anders is the reddest of red flags.

DA romance, uh, finds a way.

On the one hand, theft is bad. On the other hand, the money was for a Homestuck game. I…huh. *Sits and frowns for a while in a state of deep moral conflict.*