
@Maveritchell: From every single news clip that gets published about this movie, it doesn't sound like the original film is being 'adapted' so much as 'exploited.'

I understand the need and utility of robotics in space, but this is just another sad picture on the road to disappointment in American space exploration. :-(

@dev4632: I had a controller with a d-pad that randomly went down. Fracking Cyclone when I wanted X-Strike.

If it even is possible (though unlikely and implausible) that whole microbes can survive or at least revive themselves after a two meteor impacts interrupted by an indefinite cold soak in space, then we've likely dropped more life onto Mars with our own probes than made it there naturally.

@Path_of_Totality: Akira is too Japanese to make it into an American movie without completely obliterating the original film.


@Chinedu Opara: There's only so many different ways to draw blood spatter and exploding heads. When I was younger, I always thought, "Hey, all of this crap in Fantastic Four and Green Lantern is ridiculous and unrealistic. I want to see superheroes in the real world where people don't behave like they're in

@MrFlake: Unfortunately, Britain didn't have a developed or consistent epic/saga like Wagner's Ring Cycle. What he had was the initial myths, but no one had yet made a contemporary pastische/retelling of them for modern audiences. At the time, there were far more adaptations of the lives of Charlemagne, Caesar,

WOW. I honestly haven't seen this much actually interesting art in comic books for a long time. I really like the crazy Silver Age-esque stuff.*

@slider78: The problem with the WWII genre is that of the acceptable target.

@yossarian: I'm suggesting that in creating his story, he used components he was familiar with and suited him as settings and characters. His primary goal was to write an amazing story; the "how" of his writing and the shadows cast by his subjects are what get disputed and used for other purposes.

It's a little odd that when ROTK came out, a bunch of right-wingers dug up the old "West vs East" theory that always gets attributed to Tolkien.

From the moment I heard about this game, I've had a bad feeling about the rationale behind it, and in the portrayal in the gameplay. Modern Warfare 2 had the same bizarre scenario (Russia staging a full-on invasion of America) that seems to soften the edges of what appears to be a jingoist fantasy.


Nuclear fission is fairly rare in nature outside of heavy planetoids, and I understand that helium fuses in significantly higher proportions than hydrogen...

@tlachtga: I had a week off without internet but with basic cable two Christmases ago, and discovered the worst run of programming ever:

@Seamus McClernan: It's for overseas promotion- "America" isn't exactly a favorite brand anywhere else in the world.