
Wow. I read this back in high school for German class and completely ignored the Yugoslav flag that the little boy in Romping Polly is waving with the sword. I thought Hoffman was fairly liberal towards other ethnicities, but apparently that only goes so far.

The Dothraki were also based in large part on the Plains Tribes of North America, which were known for ethnic diversity and racial intermarriage. Before you start on that sentence, hear me out:

I hate the ending. Whether it's just a dream or a metaphor or just half-finished, it's bad, and someone at Bioware has to have known it.

So one of the bigger problems with the climate and biodiversity in parts of Afghanistan is the incredibly large forests of marijuana. The stuff grows like...well...'weeds,' is too dense to move vehicles through, and too fibrous to get through with machetes. In other words, a perfect refuge for Taliban and other

These guys aren't NASA. They're two guys at Louisiana, and they're not directing the survey. The program is simply making another pass over the area that is relative to their pet hypothesis, and they're simply using this to drum up news for themselves.



A house-mate of mine got one of these a while back and cursed every day he had it. Expensive, clunky, crap hardware, slow, nonexistent cooling, basically every thing that the MacBook wasn't.

When the most famous piece of military equipment of the last decade crashes in semi-hostile territory, people are going to know about it.

Meh. Yemen's not the biggest country, and the snoop-worthy areas are confined to ethnic-controlled areas in the North. Not to mention that the drone was there at the request of the Yemeni government in the first place. I doubt that this was stolen for anything other than bragging rights or fencing the parts to someone

Here here. My state's governor is planning on gutting the state's tuition aid system, especially its generous legal grant program (which two siblings-in-law and a cousin are currently using at UT). This is after he barred state agencies from disbursing a ton of federal tutition funding, for no other reason than

I'd put more of the cause with it's multimedia abilities and moddability. I don't think I've seen a vanilla PS2 since about 2008. At the same time, many games still have equal-to-better graphics tech than the Wii, better pricing, and (for a console that was "not a gaming system), the Wii is just now gaining multimedia

@Cash907Censored: Same here. I honestly thought that he'd look more "burn-victim-y" after falling into a volcano. I was even surprised as a kid when I saw RotJ and Vader was less nasty than I had anticipated.

Don't forget "sound," "note," "equation," or "numerical significance."

@comm0: It depends more on what you're drinking than anything else. Scotch's flavor can be improved a lot by adding some big ice cubes that melt slowly. It chills the drink slowly, and scotch's flavor is usually smooth enough that a bit of water won't kill it.

@WDubois: Hardest part about those two goals is selling people on the bill for either. Getting to either again would cost ungodly amounts of money (chump change compared the armed services budget), but there is absolutely no political payoff for accomplishing either anymore. (Don't even consider mentioning sending

Article and link are both a bit confusing; so it's basically just active spectrometry at range?

@akumaserge: Saw a guy once try to fire a little 410 one-handed. Broken arm forearm AND wrist!

Future educators of America:

@tobylane: Up until last year, there were about a dozen different tuition loan systems, all operating at once. The lowest-interest were Department of Education ones (like my own Ford loan), but only extended to a few thousand per year, and were mostly need-based. However, you can change your payment schedule anytime