
@Hellkeeper: I meant in the last 2 years or so. Tron, Bioshock Infinity, etc..

@doofusgumby: when a church walks in with an itty-bitty nave...

@angusm: Nah, usually Discovery's better than that.

@deafblindmute: There's been a big movement in America to dissociate ourselves from anything the least bit unpleasant in our history in the last few decades.

@Orionsaint: I know. The bob has been coming back for a while, but I can't figure out precisely why. Was there some movie that I missed that relaunched it?

Easiest thing I can think of to do is either make a shaped cylinder of the plastic, and use software to wrap the edges, use the forward and back areas to create artificial depth; or layer several screens on top of each other, and create real depth per layer.

@PistachioWildebeest: Yeah- anti-neutrinoes still have the same 3 flavor counterparts (positron, anti-muon, anti-tau), so oscillation between sterile and anti-neutrinoes would still result in an equal number of both at any time. If they neutralized each other, then that variety would be almost extinct in the universe,

I've seen crap like this at dog shows. It looks traumatic.


@Dimensiation: Thank the Maker that someone else has this problem. I've tried every store, but nothing works. Small or Medium fits my chest, but always leaves the cuff closer to my elbow than my actual wrist. Even when I get shirts in my measurements (and in "fitted" style), they always look like I'm a grade schooler

@lightninglouie: Dune is the most well-known one, but Asimov's 'Foundation' series started this idiom.

@Howard Blair: Vendetta is ironic in that it was the exact opposite of an electoral victory that caused the dystopia.

@shoroko: The endings of books 4 through 5 were almost exclusively about death and grief. For a children's book, it gets pretty gritty and realistic about death: There's no glimpse into the afterlife, no "I'll be waiting for you" line, no big heroic death scenes for Cedric, Sirius, or Dumbledore. One moment they're

@James Cain: I wonder what DAY of the WEEK this clever movie is coming out. It had better be a holiDAY!

@rxe7en: Wait, you actually thought that this looked like something that Rusty built/owned? You really must've been sleepy.

@WookieLifeDay: He was basically a superpowered hedge wizard, and is mentioned in the Appendices of LotR as having given up (or redefined) his mission to get more in touch with nature.

@ginnymcqueen: Because they're all in West Texas, where absolutely nothing happens if it's not football season. Everyone knows what a mangy dog looks like, and everyone knows what a coyote looks like.

An officer I knew once wound up assigned as an instructor at Colorado Springs, and requested a transfer because of the giant amount of discrimination he received for being Catholic, as opposed to a fundamentalist.