
@duckyvoodoo: Back in the early 90s DC used a bunch of their edgier characters and titles to start Vertigo as the grown-ups imprint. Swampie, Morpheus, John Constantine, etc. (Anything Alan Moore had a hand in)

I dunno.

@BoxOfScraps: The most reasonable depiction of straightforward population control I've read has been (I know, easy answer) Orson Scott Card's Ender series.

@ShaggyB: Well...that depends if you touched anything with Bendis's fingerprints in the last year. Brillo-Hair Man drafted them into his fake X-Men and told them they were mutants now.

@duckyvoodoo: Thank god that someone remembered that beautiful little bit of backstory. Of course, Vertigo is non-canon now, so technically it didn't happen.

@Wolc Lupin: Our system is a rarity as far as we can tell. The best theory for the formation of our system was that the sun and outer planets formed cooler and more slowly than most systems, allowing a lot less acceleration in most orbits, and leaving a lot of heavier elements scattered everywhere.

@Gothamite88: Yeah, but the texture and lighting is bugging me. I always thought of it as less 'alien' and more of a universal symbol. This just kind of looks like the design people tried too hard.

@AngriestGeek: You're not alone. Just be glad that Nolan is keeping his hands on Batman 3 and Joss won't screw over the Avengers.

@tralfaz23: The original Golden Age Green Lantern (Alan Scott) was a subway worker who found 'magic metal' and fashioned it after a subway stoplight lantern- hence the iconic lantern symbol.

I don't know...it looks 'too alien' if anything. I was thinking something a lot more basic and abstract. This looks a bit too weird for me.

@Eddard: Yeah- we're all in the same boat. We'd love to have our comics put on the screen the way they deserve. But if that were the case, the producers would stop making them once they realized that they weren't getting a billion people into the theater, but rather the same million geeky fans one million times each.

@AtomicBeerMan: THANK YOU. I am not the only human being who has wondered this after all.

Fuck it! Do it live!

@cinnamonster: Does this mean that those never-ending murmurs and growls in a Language That Cannot Be I hear in my dreams every night and every waking moment is the universal garbage disposal?

@JudasAsparagus: I've always been under the impression that theoretical physics was either about making things fit together in a way that doesn't break your brain, or trying as hard as possible to do just that.

@Buck Bokai: I hope so. He'd do a great job as long as he mixes up the quirky/sneaky thing a bit more. (Though him and John Simm look like they got popped out of the same mold). A more svelte Master would be a welcome change too.

I WISH Darkseid were that evil nowadays. "Anti-Life Equation" just doesn't measure up to a dynamite-filled dildo in a guy's mouth anymore.

@Steak Sandwich and a Steak Sandwich: Don't forget the volcano-launched rocket ship that eats other rocket ships for breakfast and then lands in the volcano again. With one of those, we could reduce the cost of NASA's operation to the trust fund of a supervillain.

@morodrim: By the peaks of Gallifrey...this pulsar is exuding exotropic radiation at nine-googleplexes the rate of normal supercollapsing bodies! If we're going to survive this, I'll have to overload the TARDIS's turboencabulator!

@8x10: Yeah...the LHC is several orders of magnitudes more powerful than any other apparatus in history, and we're still not even capable of recreating a fraction of the conditions and phenomena that we wish we could.