Chipotle is great, but as a Pole, I want her to stop at a Polish restaurant and indulge in some pierogi. And she has to pronounce it properly, none of that “per-oh-gee” stuff. That’s the way to win this Polish democrat’s heart.
Chipotle is great, but as a Pole, I want her to stop at a Polish restaurant and indulge in some pierogi. And she has to pronounce it properly, none of that “per-oh-gee” stuff. That’s the way to win this Polish democrat’s heart.
it makes me sad when you guys fight
Only monsters don’t like Chipotle if we’re being honest here
I’m a Virginian and we get a lot of attention and pandering too, since we recently went blue. It’s a weird feeling. Like being that shy dorky girl who goes to the dance and takes off her glasses and she’s beautiful and everyone wants to dance with her
Smoking weed brings everyone closer to the center.
Clinton Bypassed Centrist Taco Bell for Liberal Favorite Chipotle
Hillary Clinton courting the very important “Fighting_Polish” vote with this shameless Chipotle pandering and tbh it’s working.
ELECTION SEASON (especially primaries) IS MY FAVORITE TIME. It’s so fucking hilarious and it’s the one time I appreciate being an Ohioan because man, do we get bombarded with this shit non-stop. ITS AWESOME.
If this is all one hugely elaborate fake out where Bruce Jenner reveals he’s spent the last few years transitioning . . . into a professional romance novel cover model, he will rocket to #1 on my list of favorite people in the world. Grade A+ trolling. Two thumbs up, Bruce.
I know one of her kid’s name is Apple. I don’t know the other one. I’m going to assume it’s either Allah, Jesus or Ganesh. I hope it’s Ganesh.
I read between the lines — Clams, sushi, octopus, grilled pork, steak, Parmesan cheese, ginger, mint, cinnamon and coconut — my three-year-old also loves all of those (minus the octopus) items, but with her own preschooler twist. I’m imagining when he says “mint” he’s leaving off “ice cream” and “cinnamon” means “he…
Joke told to me not long after my divorce, 15 years ago:
I’m jealous because I, 24-year-old adult lady person, would also eat mac & cheese (Annie’s, not Kraft) for every meal if I could.
I didn’t discover my love of oysters until my teens. I’m am crazy jealous of the additional years of oyster eating Harper has ahead of her.
Coincidence that today is National Ex-Spouse Day and National Be Kind to Lawyers day?
As long as I don't have to marry them!
Bojack is my life coach. "Well that was another in a long line of regrettable life choices".