
Colosseum: You are an emo.

The giant M&M’s cookie a stoner tried to buy off me for 20 bucks. I’d paid 3, and I turned him down. They were that good.

hashtag didn’t follow the link

That might actually work, given that ivermectin is an antiparasitic. But would it kill a maggot like this?

Also steaks. Throw some green onions, garlic scapes or ramps in there too.

Pork rinds, but with more fat.

Chicharrones. Found one that still had hair. Can’t touch them any more.

Bottled Frappuchinos. Yeah, it’s stupid, but they taste good when you’re too tired to give a s*** about anything.

Not surprised, given how hard it was for the nearest location to me to get any liquor licence at all. Then again, there’s good reasons for the difficulty. We’ve basically reached the bar saturation point, and have all the problems that come with every second business on that block holding a Class A.

Well, there go my plans to move there. Tierra del Fuego, here I come!

Does a bank drive-thru count? Because I’ve done that. Lobby was closed and I needed to break a c-note.

Not if he crossed into the next county, which is 26 percent black. It ain’t as pasty here as it used to be. If he didn’t, he’s still one of about 8 thousand.

Yes. Let me get the popcorn first.

Chicken Cordon Bleu. Was about 7 and sick as a dog, still got dragged to ‘Mommy and Me’ night, and that was the main course. It took maybe ten minutes before it was coming back up. Haven’t been able to even look at it since without dry-heaving.

Not really. It’s actually pretty good.

I’ve eaten shrimp with the shells on, but only because I was too tired to peel them. This is a whole ‘nother level of inedible. And much, much dumber. 

It’s also pretty much Wisconsin’s answer to Mississippi.

Not at the same time, of course. Think a burger with ice cream for dessert.

As it’s frozen custard (think VERY rich ice cream), no. If it was just custard, then yes.

I eat barbecue ribs with a knife and fork, because I hate getting sauce on my hands. I’ve also been known to top hot dogs with Redi-Whip, cook corn on the cob in the microwave at 3AM, and make ham sandwiches with Little Debbie Honey Buns instead of bread.