
I got all hyped up by peoples hype for the movie and then was let down when I watched it. I’m really not sure where the extreme love for this movie comes from.

Snowpiercer in space.

I didn’t like it, either. I went into it really wanting to like it, but I thought it lacked subtlety. Like, it thought it was doing something really clever with the whole class system on a train, but it was sort of obvious and hamfisted. A lot of the CGI shots of the exterior of the train were cheesy, and the supposed

I more than just didn’t like the movie. I don’t know what it was about that mess, but I hate it with a passion that’s hard to explain. It was just so ... stupid. And not “good” stupid like Dude Where’s My Car, but just shitty and bad and amateurish.

i didn’t like the movie. meh.

More importantly, how do you justify being one of the tacky people that shows off how much money you have, on social media? Obnoxious.

Oh that’s easy. Just slap a brand name on it. Idiots will pay more solely for the name.

I also am concerned about the fumes, but am willing to just burn him in Florida where it matters less.

In today’s climate, they decided not to encourage any Lynch mobs.

She better stay clear of Rock-Paper Man.

*addendum* My comment has just been upvoted by someone named “funky butt loving” (or alternate spelling thereof). My life is now complete, and I can die a happy man. Well... a slightly less bitter and deeply dissatisfied man, at any rate. Thank you for your approbation, sir or madam!

Ugh, we don’t need to see her origins yet again. Everyone knows she was bitten by a radioactive African-American woman who was attending her husband’s funeral.

Odd how two Republican congressmen from California who voted to raise taxes on their own constituents to finance tax cuts for the super-rich are now retiring. It’s almost like they know that they are slightly less popular in their districts than a herpes flare-up.

Yeah, kinda an arson, murder, and jaywalking situation there.

“I don’t have a frog in my pocket.” (Best small child preemptive denial I’ve ever heard.)

Once someone jerks off in front of you, fires you and gets you blackballed, I think you can just stick to that part of the story. Using colorful language doesn’t really add much to the accusation.

I also preemptively deny all the things I did.

Organized religion in general, but especially Christianity, with its stupid fucking masturbatory confessionals and unlimited mulligans so long as you pretend to be super duper sorry about it and OMG YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE HIM BECAUSE HE SAID HE’S SORRY AND IF YOU DON’T FORGIVE HIM THAT MAKES YOU THE BAD GUY.

Yes... if that’s what you order.

This is written and commented on by a lot of people who either have not been or don’t remember going to Yosemite Village. We went through in August a couple years back. Because of the scheduling, we were in Yosemite Village on Saturday afternoon. I remember seeing all of the traffic turning to avoid the one-way,