Ugh, I watched it last night. It’s that typical ‘she says no but she really wants it’ move. Not sure I’ll bother any more: they could have treated it so much better - and if it was so consensual, why did they make it so rapey?
Ugh, I watched it last night. It’s that typical ‘she says no but she really wants it’ move. Not sure I’ll bother any more: they could have treated it so much better - and if it was so consensual, why did they make it so rapey?
Oh, I missed it on BBC2. That’s good to know that it got a proper outing, rather than being totally relegated to the dark backwaters of BBC3.
Nope, not yet ... but it’s been nominated for a National Television Award (second category in) so hopefully it’s going to win
Series 1 has only finished going out here in the UK at the end of August, on BBC3, which is now a digital-only channel (thanks Tory bastard for forcing that cut on the Beeb):
A pedant writes: that’s a coot.
Or maybe I’m twisted and sneaky and a cheater ....
Ah, that speech that Hugh Dennis (the bank manager) gives at the retreat. Just .... amazing. And I never knew he was such a fine dramatic actor. I thought Fleabag was wonderful. I’d read a brief bit about it on Jezebel, and watched the first episode expecting Olivia Colman to be the cunt from hell, and she seemed…
I read that in Miranda’s voice. Naturally.
Nope. My mate has a knackered old car. He was driving down one of these narrow single track lanes and was barrelled down on by a twat in a swanky new Chelsea tractor (=SUV for people who never go off road). The twat obviously decided matey would back up and get out of the way and started gesticulating at matey to do…
Also, that awful, cringey, fake humility / sincerity thing he does. The Americans have fallen for it - I keep hearing how humble he is from commenters on the other side of the pond. Euuch. The man’s a conceited unfunny tosspot.
Aidan Turner: would