“May”. Which also means may not. i.e. you’re speculation is based on victimhood mentality not reality.
“May”. Which also means may not. i.e. you’re speculation is based on victimhood mentality not reality.
I love it. Since the racist part is okay from one perspective why did you omit:
So you heard a little bit of the truth for once?
I fully agree, infowars is just as much a joke as gawker and its affiliates.
That’s because you’re a miserable person and you’d like others to share in it.
No, you’ve mischaracterized the counter argument. This point is only mentioned when someone is talking about reparations based on race, as if one race owes another for the past. i.e. “Yes, we should tax white people because they are doing better because their ancestors had slaves” - “But Africans enslaved their own…
It doesn’t matter how many black people owned slaves. What matters is that no one alive today owned a slave and no one alive today was held in slavery. Everything else is people blaming others without justification.
It was a free speech rally.
Have you tried rationality?
“Whiteness”, Shut up you racist.
Where does this end? Do we remove the Washington monument next?
Nothing give anyone the right to attack another person. Sorry but this dude should be arrested.
“anti-facist” lol. They’re the brown shirts and black shirt of the last century.
I agree, this should have been the immigration policy decades ago.
No, Costa’s opinion was idiotic. just 9 years ago Senator Obama was for a merit-based immigration system. Suddenly it seems having the democratic party’s immigration policy from the late 2000's is now a right wing argument? No. The overwhelming vast majority of americans, including the majority of democrats want a…
The immigration process should favor people that hold western tenets, speaks english, have an education and skills needed in the united states. That will naturally favor people from western nations. That’s not racism, that is reasonable.
Hands down, Miller owned those idiots.
More importantly no one is oppressed today. It’s a non-issue.
No one is oppressed in western society. Sorry.
This really isn’t an issue just as police shooting black people isn’t statistically significant. There are more people killed by lightning annually (39) than unarmed black people killed by police (36) most of which were attempting to obtain a weapon when shot. It’s a nonissue.