How do you know that that person identifies as a man? How do you know that that person identifies as a man right now? How do you know that that person doesn’t identify as a man at that moment?
How do you know that that person identifies as a man? How do you know that that person identifies as a man right now? How do you know that that person doesn’t identify as a man at that moment?
Aren’t all blacks racist to some degree whether they know it or not?
Everyone is a racist to you snowflakes.
The people who earn it?
Because she’s South African.
Smart girl.
I’ve never heard a rape joke that wasn’t funny.
I’ll wait for all the information instead of one person’s perspective before passing judgement.
I’m a troll because you’re incapable of understand the difference between a justice system based on logic & reason vs post-modernist’s subjective feelings?
Yes, social justice.... i.e. people against justice.
Um, Iron Fist?
Well asians are the highest paid ‘group’ in western culture earning up to 30% more than white males. So if SJW’s are going to be consistent they need to complain about all the white males not making as much as Asians.
All I heard was, “I’m so angry and petty that I criticize others for how they drive..... a golf cart”.
Why not? People spend thousands on placebo effects like acupuncture which balance your Qi by unblocking your meridian line and triple heater and other “organs”. At least stickers are cheap.
If you’re talking to police then pick up a pair of scissors to stab them, you’re probably going to be shot.
I’d like some evidence first.
Had the killer been white.....
Funny coming from someone who believes gossip and rumors should be damning evidence.
You told me you were a paedophile. You must be a paedophile, because that’s what I reported.