
Wouldn’t surprise me if the “procedure” is a simple injection of “a Gift from God” while the “host” is unconcious. Very Alt-Medical.

That would be so awesome

In a just and righteous world, there is already a Gofundme to get these parents pizza for life or something...

What about the damage to Twitter Inc.? He’d get bummed about that... maybe?

Want to give people the benefit of doubt on typos... then we see how far “s” is from “h”...

Just remember NRA members, “guns don’t kill people, ‘a culture of violence’ and guns kill people”

Don’t forget the history of abuse charges...

And I thought he looked terribad in those awful suits...

American Psycho Remake?

Hot Take - “Hey, I like those companies now”

I really don’t want to sound like a bitch or anything, but as long as the bread has structural integrity and the filling is stacked well enough, and the overall size fits the mouth...

I’d say that open faced sandwich is another gate-way to accepting tacos as sandwiches, they are basically a open faced sandwich partially folded.

You hold sandwiches by the sandwich.

I’m kind of surprised the NRA haven’t put out a statement about this one.

Best description of what makes a nerd (my people) I’ve come across to date.

“If he had raped 30 less people, that’s still two dozen rapes!”

If only Folks on twitter could be this succinct and poignant.

Always felt like the phrase “Good people can go some terrible things” was only half of the whole thought “and terrible people can do good things.” Not as catchy though, I’ll admit.

“That she somehow saw the progress in this beautiful, perfect game from God himself and said, ‘Nah, fuck up the animations a bit. I want to see them cry.’”

“...before you become a sad foot note...”