
You need Chuck Tingle...

Seems like we moved legislation against texting-and-driving overnight, tax and regulate the living bejeebus out of tobacco... even have ubiquitous organizations for alcoholism and drug abuse...


“If you asked them now, they would say she was never a responsible gun owner”

Read through the whole story just to confirm that Texas Police shot an armed and violent white woman. Only surprise to the whole article... :(

“keeps it in a fucking safe, because that is the logical thing to do, since it is a fucking gun.”


Er Mah Gerd. You both are so adorbs.

“First of all, white people, come get ya girl.”

“Meshugenah Megyn”

“60 pounds of cocaine”

Hell, I don’t know her at all, but if I had access to that dirtbag...

Go with the most trustworthy person

Lol, apologists aren’t even trying anymore. I’ve come to enjoy the “90% doubt” argument with these schmucks. “Let’s just say that even 90% of the women are lying... he’s still a serial rapist.”

GDit. Come on, Cracker-buddies. We can get through this. Just one Hallow-giving-santa-countdown season without a STUPID-level hate crime?!?!?!

I put butter on a roast, and let all that drip on a mess of leeks... Spoonable result, would have liked more carmelizing on the veg...

ErmahGerd, you are so Humble-bragging:)

Saw picture, had so many feels, so much curious. Think you answered them all. The Magic of the Ubertrout

Nothing like making something fresh and fly look easy :)

Totes! They have a Nice aquarium, and Jungle Jim’s, but the rest can flush, me thinks.