Probably similar to the percentage of Felons in Congress :)
Probably similar to the percentage of Felons in Congress :)
Now I need to make a "Zerg for Christ" T-shirt...
Great Pasta Monster in the Sky! Look at this twit trolling without punctuation. Disgraceful!
Pharma-farming strikes again! Seriously though, Putting the Gluten-war right on the shelf with the Carb-war and the Fat-war, and all the other attempts to single out an important part of real diets because "it's bad for you"
I wish this didn't sound so possible...
I just pray it isn't Ohio... again :(
Jesus, I think I laughed so hard I hurt myself, definatly disturbed the neighbors.
I give you... my saddest star
That's SCIENCE. I for one will not stand in it's way. GO Forth, CEOs, and outwork us all!
Those things are fragile, bang the track around, and the blade won't fall. They had a good system in France, we should respect that.
every word 100% true. Except pickles are kinda meh
3 out of 10 for effort, you typed out an entire paragraph. Most trolls only give a sentence or maybe even just a phrase. Substance wise though, pretty lacking. Too easily ignored under the "Payed PR Rep with a Burner account"
Suddenly want a shopped image "Gee, Bill, How come your mom let's you have TWO Eclairs?"
just grab a broken waffle maker at a thrift store and take the metal shaping bit out, put that in freezer, and pour a melted milkshake on it.
Was half-way through typing, "Not even Jesus?" and then decided that it needed saying anyway:)
I'm on a diet, gimme something New Englandy XD
Not sure if I'm proud or not about having to get someone else to explain that this is Texas shaped, lol. Man, those people are weird. Does any other state do this stuff to anything similar in degree? Hell, some states are practically waffle-shaped already :)
True Hero, Right Here.