
Shes inciting people to attend a protest that could potentially result in the deaths of hundreds through exposure to a deadly disease. How is that any different to inciting people to commit terror attacks that could kill dozens?

She didnt “post about a protest”. She was the organizer and host of the event. She called the virus a hoax. She actively mobilized against measures in place to protect lives.
What a shitty take, Matt.

Yeah, a friend of mine was adversely impacted by this. The pandemic took away her main source of income (bartending), so she sold some nude pics on a fairly popular site, built up a fanbase, and finally set up an OnlyFans account.

He’s probably just wanting to bang someone young and hot. I heard it’s fine when Kate Beckensale does it so /shrug

I looked on Twitter and it seems that Americans are having way greater a problem with this than the Brits.

Adele should totally trust the perspective of a white American woman on UK-Jamaican relations.

Say what you will about black stereotypes in porn, but at least it's not fucking your siblings like the whites do.

Any organization that would do that is just terrible.

A click bait article.

Thanks, y’all.  My uncle is dead because other people decided to be selfish and greedy.  You are the reasons we will have at least some lockdown measures for the rest of the year.  Everyone who ignores the rules extends the rules.  Go to hell.

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

People are fucking dying.

Maybe decorating his office like a Downton Abbey set was the dead giveaway here? 

A lot of movies (JoJo Rabbit got this quite a bit) get criticized for “humanizing” nazis, but that’s the thing: they were humans! The point is we might all be capable of great evil, and we have to do the work to be good people, every day. A movie I really love is The Reader with Kate Winslet (in fact, the actress who

To me that scene would actually make the brutality seem almost human, because there is a sadistic nature to it, vs the mindless bureaucratic brutality that viewed the Jews and others they deemed as undesirables as sub-human. The first example is understandable as there are always the sick sadistic people on there, the

I don’t think comparing a short basketball player to a tall one is the same as comparing sprinters.

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.

Gianna, one of his daughters, was in the bird too, if the commenters here would like to stop dancing on his grave for a minute.

So it takes two women to do the hosting duties that one man did.