
India is terrible for random groping everywhere. It’s the only place I’ve been where other women don’t really come to your aid if you start screaming/punching too. Depressing.

Yeah. When I lived in India one of my male Indian friends pretty much said that. “In Bollywood films the women might look sexy but they don’t even kiss. In Western films the women kiss, get naked, do anything. Guys watch these movies and assume Western women are loose and available for sex anytime.”

The issue isnt porn in a secular progressive countries like Germany where interaction with real women is common enough to distinguish fantasy from reality. Its online porn in places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia where education is minimal, women are basically off limits to any interaction and a man has likely never

Easy to take the moral high ground from your computer, try having 20 Indian men groping you whilst trapped in a crowded train for an hour and see how that holds up.

Good luck getting Jezebel to ever address that. They initially wrote very little about it and when they do address the issue of where the assailants come from, it’s to say the right wing is using it to fuel xenophobia. Because apparently it's impossible to say anything about the fact that these men come from countries

Suspicions of some mass cover-up were fanned by conservative outlets that referenced the well-worn racist narrative of dark-skinned men abusing white women.

I love this comment, I mean I really love this comment, look I liked the comments from the past a lot but there’s no way those comments can stand up to this one. I talk to a lot of people online and you know what they tell me? Their comments aren’t as good as this one. That’s what they tell me. I know a lot of words,

Why are we pretending it won’t end up being named Trump Bomber and be the greatest bomber ever. All the other bombers, look they’re great bombers, I love those bombers. But this is the next bomber and it will make those other bombers look like Tonka Toys.

How about: Completely Unnecessary?

Yes, a protester, although I feel the post doesn’t make that QUITE clear. As much as we can’t stand the Trumpite fucktards, I think we also have to acknowledge that a lot of the protesters are stupid assholes, too.

you fuck off harder.

I am completely against everything this guy stands for, but I kind of have to respect the lack of shit this guy gives for anything he says or does. The best part is all the precious establishment republicans poo pooing his stances and exclaiming he is a blowhard nutjob. But boy oh boy were they on their knees, wiping

The more you hate him, the more powerful he becomes...

My favorite quote to describe that sort of equality:

“They’re treated equal,” she said. “I see him in life. He treats women the same as men. he will tell you what’s in his heart, what he thinks, he will not hold it back if you’re a woman. you’re human, a woman or a man, it’s no different.”

I’m not a pilot either. However, it appears as if the real culprit of the hard impact is gravity. If the earth had less mass the impact wouldn’t have been as severe.

Did Gawker sell you or something? You guys aren’t allowed to say nice things about conservatives, let alone Scalia!

So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?


Now playing

Ah yes, the same Madeline Albright who said 500000 Iraqi children who died over sanctions was ‘worth it’.