
I think it’s safe to assume that by “a novel” he meant an Expanded Universe book...

I find your lack of funds disturbing

If you have something ready in time for launch that isn’t purely cosmetic it should be in the game.

If this was a 16 year-old girl, Jezebel would rip apart any publication that sexualized her. I see no reason why they should treat a male child any differently.

>Lol, it would essentially take building an island in the middle of a sea.

You’re looking at porn whores and expecting not to find a bucket of shit?

The Russians are saying their radar record shows the Turks entering Syrian airspace to attack the Russian jet.

It is challenging to envision bringing Russia into a coalition when they are dumb-bombing cities via helicopter.

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

Lol liberals.

Then you’re an idiot.

Good lord, you must be a troll.

It's very easy to say that when you are not the one wearing the shoes.

The fans booed the Paris moment of silence because Turkey is not the country Westerners think it is or want it to be. Turkey has become deeply conservative and Islamist under Erdogan and it is hurting our war on ISIS, thanks to its horrible actions against the Kurds.

This article’s description of the Kurds’ actions in

This is Jezebel, you have to be outraged! don’t think things through, everything is just as it seems and never has any deeper meaning!

Looks like they’re finally getting to the bottom of this case.

Her silence on the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims is disgusting.

Shot through the tongue

That’s a pile of hot, steaming bullshit that you just spouted right there.

“Deport Racism” is a Hillary backed activist group. It’s not going to be mentioned in this article, for obvious reasons.