
My step-father is a Commander in the US Navy and an EoD Tech, he has also been awarded the Bronze Star with the Combat "V" and been deployed to the Middle East 4 times in his 15 years in the service.

And Sirocco wants to shag your head.

Really, you picked this image to go with a tsunami-related story?

Here's the thing about money though. If you have enough of it, nothing else matters.

I've had a few encounters with movie people in MMORPG's. My most memorable encounter though was in the original Everquest. I played with a group of guys and we all logged on around the same time so we often wound up questing together. One day one of the guys asks what we all do for a living. You had all the usual IT

Perfect example of "goddammit why did foreigners beat us to this we need to get our butts in gear" Chinese mentality.

He's entitled to defend himself, just as she was entitled to report & press charges had she wanted.

I'll just leave this here before too much uninformed, self righteous indignation gets started:

Hey, you wanna see a truly offensive military picture that should end careers?

Wait, so it's perfectly okay to murder virtual humans in a game, but it's not okay to show what virtual bullets do to virtual humans in the game when killing them?

The games are mindless fun. They're cheap and give you a what if breakdown of watching different bullets effect the human body. Seeing the anatomy and watching what a bullet does to someone's inside, as realistic as it can get, is pretty entertaining. It's gruesome sure, but it's supposed to be. Violence isn't pretty.

While I agree with that sentiment, I think it does a game a great disservice to mention an entirely different game in an article's headline. People may start off reading this article by thinking of, and making comparisons to, Skyrim, rather than appreciating this game for what it is in it's own right.

FUCK NO. Don't involve EA in anything these guys are doing. Fuck that noise.

Now playing

Don't forget his most memorable routine: Sex Bomb!

There's always one.

After deafness is cured what happens to this guy?