
^, 14 people like this

We could bring it back to Earth, but the Nostromo-class ships have a bad habit of picking up unwanted hitchhikers...

Maybe he was drunk? I've done that before. I've gotten drunk, had fun with people, and then when they say, "Oh, find me on Facebook" I always end up finding them and leaving them a grammatically fucked up greeting (Yo, homeslice. We be friends now. For realzy.)

I'm a really good creeper when I'm sober, but I'm a

Go away

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

Even the wicker chair has a swastika!

It's a female computing model


Good grief: all that was lacking was a moat that was temporarily filled with crocodiles due a derailment of the reptile circus train.

Probably end up with exceptions for religious beliefs, or for farmers who think that the vaccinations will give their chickens autism.

In America, there is such a high concentration of freedom in the air that any eggs kept at room temperature will hatch into majestic bald eagles and fly away.

And posting comments on Kotaku, (a site focusing on video games) somehow solves starvation?

Watching Jezebel try to write about science is like watching a kitten play with a ball of yarn.

Caption for the top picture:

If you don't separate the art from the artist, you will have far less joy and beauty in your life. Card is a virulent homophobe, but he wrote a book that is breathtakingly beautiful and insightful and meaningful. Led Zeppelin were a bunch of misogynistic, violent manchildren, but holy shit try to listen to "The Lemon

I'm black.

Is the helicarrier going to get trashed in every movie now? Shield must have a hell of a budget.

@demographic: "It would be like taking 100 human subjects and lacing their water with copious amounts of LSD" — this analogy only leads me to believe that the cats would be enjoying themselves tremendously.

@demographic: Ahh.. cat owners.. so high strung. I love my dog.