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They were a bit more than just bugs, 65% of all 441 B-29 losses over Japan in the last 14 months of the war were due to mechanical failure. In fact, the primary role of the waist gunners was to observe the engines for oil leaks or fires making the B-29 the only plane in US history to require permanent fire marshals on

Bullshit, hedge funds simply found a way to shut down free speech on private platforms by spamming the N word several times and screenshotting it. This absolutely reeks of the underhanded crap they’d pull.

Elon’s wealth is almost entirely tied up to his stock, the guy has always been incredibly cash poor compared to other billionaires as he keeps dumping all his liquidity into his next wonder project. Hes like a trader on Wallstreetbets, hell he doesnt even own a house anymore ffs.

I mean, nobody has accused Affleck of rape, murder or cannibalism yet so by today’s Hollywood standards hes a great catch!

The incels do have a point, if Harvey Weinstein looked like Armie Hammer the global reaction to that monster would’ve been worlds apart from what actually happened.

Your average Brit doesnt even know Meghan is black in the first place, but they do know she is American and is thus an immediate existential threat to the institution. Historically speaking, the British Royal Family has lost more of its members to divorced American women than to both world wars or assassination

The biggest problem with Bitcoin isnt the technology, volatility or even its intrinsic value, which Bitcoin either does better or is just as comparable to Fiat equivalents.... Its Bitcoin’s distribution.

BRAVE Collective originally started out as Brave Newbies Inc, a new player friendly corporation that became huge just as articles like these were drawing thousands of new players to the game.

Christ, its like we’re back in the 2008 primaries all over again when people were complaining Barack Obama was ‘too white’ to be America’s first black president.

Musk gets an even stronger arm once he becomes a Texan employing thousands of Texan voters and billions invested in the state.

They needed to make a white Chris list because Chris Brown would’ve poisoned the well.

Musk should also be in that category, the guy is probably the most cash poor second richest person ever to live with Forbes estimating as much as 99% of his wealth being tied up in shares, and that was even before he sold all his possessions.

It would be wild if the showrunners actually opted to put the show on hiatus for 30 years in accordance with the time jump. Too often these days we have unneeded sequels being brought back from the dead for franchises that were cleanly ended just to cash in on nostalgia. At least here its actually baked into the story.

Pfft, people still talking about ‘vaccine distribution’ in the US as if this isnt going to be entirely about finding the best way of cashing in on the desperation of poorer communities that are suffering the brunt of deaths from Covid.

One empire falls another takes its place

Who could’ve known that billionaire CEOs overwhelmingly tend to be sociopaths? Next in today news, water is wet and our local star rises in the east and sets in the west.

Things are starting to make alot more sense now that we know that vast swathes of the US population are likely suffering from a lifetime of brain damage from inhaling toxic fumes from their cookers.

I feel like I’ve gone back 30 years reading these mostly US based comments arguing about electric vs gas while sitting pretty with my cheap portable energy efficient induction cooker.

Except he is right, it was the 2016 Gizmodo bullshit story that started off the entire Facebook left wing bias hysteria in the first place, one that had a significant impact on the election and who’s after effects still reach to this very day.

Here is a collection of Egyptian mummy casket paintings dated to around 1 BC, just 70 years after Cleopatra’s death, they dont look particularly ‘black’ to me, if anything Gal might not even be white enough.