
Easier solution, fire all the women and use the soon to be entirely male conservative dominated Supreme Court to ward off the resultant sex discrimination complaints.

Nobody is saying what He did was ok, but now that its been done we might as well learn as much from it as we can.

But dont worry about Facebook, Google, Apple, the NSA and FBI who have terabytes of our personal information to use and sell on a whim... They’re totally cool and would neeeeever engage in any shady and irresponsible use of our data, let alone abet genocide, mass surveillence or political espionage...

I dont think you get it, once a tiger has gotten a taste of human meat it will continue to actively hunt and kill more people simply because it can. Theres no going back and unlearning how to hunt after it gets into a killing habit as anyone who owns an outdoor cat will tell you.

I suspect the showrunners probably considered that but realised that the controversy had spun out of control and that media outlets (like this one) will likely spin any rendition of Apu to their own advantage regardless of intention.

I think this is why many people choose to become Republican, the only mental function one of them would need to perform when presented with an ethical minefield like this one is ‘fuck all of them, refer to bible’.

In all fairness his technique does improve over the course of the video.

Its not that 538 was incorrect about 2016, its that 538's constant statistical assurances that Clinton had the election in the bag despite it being very fucking obvious that Trump was the blackest swan in US history likely played into the Democrat apathy that got him elected.

Snapchat was literally made as a means for teens to share dick and titty pics with each other, ensuring that the images will be erased from history or the sender is informed if the image is screenshotted. Without ironclad privacy and data protection Snapchat could never have grown as large as it did.

Art has always been subjective and a way for people to sell useless shit for an obscene amount of cash.

Almost every alt righter I know was a hardcore progressive until just a few years ago, every one of them switched sides when fellow progressives started using their ethnicity as a means to discredit them regardless of what was being discussed and the bitterness from that resulted them embracing their white identity in

If it were Emmet Till instead of Brett Kavanaugh running for Supreme Court we would be having this exact same debate.

Meanwhile in Asia...

I think alot of us will be trying to understand why so many of these folks are committing suicide at the moment.

First you make something good which makes people like you, so you make more to build on that, then you try to act good because people will like you more, but then you try too hard and get called out which makes people like you less, then you try to fix it but fail which makes you look even worse, then you stop giving

Throughout this entire week Giz has been painting Jack as some evil supervillain ruining the world. Turns out when put on the spot his responses were entirely reasonable, candid and responsible unlike that glitching robot Zuckerberg put in his place a few months ago.

Im still not quite sure what Jezebel wants from Louis CK. I mean he got caught, called out, admitted it, apologised (how much is up for debate) and had his career derailed due to the furor...

He has no regrets as the article likely saved the entire network from capitulation. At the time the only headlines Gawker was making were about its own demise, the remenants needed to prove that they were worth keeping alive and can still generate hits.

The hatred Democrats have for Trump is overshadowed only by how quickly they eat their own at any given opportunity.