
Whats worse is that by lumping toy guns in with real guns theyve now made an entire generation of kids ripe for Republican/NRA messaging that the libruls are taking your freedoms.

Or you could just train the horses not to freak out at loud noises instead of drugging them up like everything in corporate America these days. We had horses charging into battle against machine guns less than a century ago and I’m pretty sure they were not sedated then.

We all know that if Mia was Trump’s mistress the GOP would try to spin it as proof that Trump cant be racist and that the media’s coverage would be faaaake neeewws.

John Rabe is considered a hero in China for saving the lives of approximately 200,000 Chinese by using his position as a Nazi party member to establish a safety zone for civilians during the Japanese occupation and butchery of Nanking that killed over 300,000 civilians.

Nice to know even ants have better health coverage than Americans.

Its insane, the current Republican president is a twice divorced serial adulterer with five children from three different women and featured on the cover of Playboy and its the left thats now using it as an attack vector whilst the right is shrugging its shoulders and telling prudes not to judge.

Your son will likely become a rather misogynistic man one day if such gender based outbursts are common at this stage of life.

Thats basically the only concievable ending that wont elicit outrage from jezebel.

Most of the people I know who voted for Trump did so specifically because they were tired of everything being declared offensive, whats more is that most of them used to be liberals.

I went on an epic binge on Ugandan cinema because of this meme and actually wanna check the place out sometime.

What people feel about porn often doesnt correspond to reality, the vitirol of straight men against lesbians is often far stronger than to gay men as ultimately gay men are not considered competition on the dating scene.

Couldnt the reason for older women to be so despondent about ‘the way men are’ is due to the fact that unlike the angry 20 somethings that make up much of this site, these women have been dealing with this shit for half a century only to see that the men havent changed one bit?

Oh lets get real here, how many women out there ACTUALLY get hot and bothered by the words ‘liberal man’?

I think I should start buying shares in companies that make penis enlargers. 

Sexual frustration leads men to act in violence and sexual assault, its why all but 2 of the top 20 most unstable countries on earth happen to have legalised polygamy and a massive surplus of single men.

For two years Cheney was a literal cyborg zombie and didnt even have a heartbeat, just a battery powered pump with a low whirr till he got a transplant.

It depends, according to the research being conducted at the pleistocene park, human predation couldve caused the end of glacial cycles themselves by killing off the grazing megafauna that kept the Mammoth Steppe a carbon sequestering grassland allowing the growth of less carbon efficient taiga forests instead.

Every Republican man right now is going to their ‘woke’ guy friend and saying ‘See? Told you so’.

If its still in the back of your head, you didnt let it go.

I mentioned it when the whole #metoo controversy first broke out but its the short, fat, ugly and desperate guys who are going to get utterly savaged the most by this reckoning regardless of fame or money.