One of the more interesting things my girlfriend told me was that my cock size was perfect.
One of the more interesting things my girlfriend told me was that my cock size was perfect.
I think its pretty bloody obvious why Oculus has settled on VR being a seated experience.
Not that many fat or POC women in Russia.
Pfft, this is nothing, can you imagine how pissed off the OP was when he saw THIS?
More importantly, did he die?
Remember that the Napoleonic Wars lasted 20 years, by Waterloo you had veterans fighting alongside teenagers who hadnt even been born at the beginning of the war.
You specifically mentioned that being randomly assigned to be a female character will kill any desire to invest in the game despite there being absolutely no effect on gameplay whatsoever.
Boo freaking hoo, wonder how many white supremacists left the game when their character turned out to be a short black guy with a tiny wiener, now we get to see a bunch of misogynists whine about it too.
No but the survivors certainly do
Scientists need to work towards including more voices in these efforts without countries getting all wrapped up in the possibility of laying first claim to Martian mining rights.
This in turn makes the women feel like just another resource that you mine, similar to water and food. This is a bummer to me for a few reasons. One, the main games don’t force romance or heterosexuality on you, and in fact leave the door open for you to be as gay as you want to be.
Because just one country over, gays are being thrown off buildings, people are getting burned alive whilst women are being taken into sexual slavery as spoils of war. Ultimately the Middle East is not a nice place and Israel didnt get to where it is by being friendly to its enemies.
And now we know where those kids got those 70,000 ladybugs for their end of school prank.
Your loss
This is what a T-Rex likely looks like, fucking deal with it. The people who cant accept dinosaurs having feathers were probably the same kids who couldnt accept that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny were not real or that gays are not abominations.
Try thinking about how silly those feathers look as you’re getting disembowelled by an angry cassowary.
The citizenship isnt just for the Auxiliary soldier, its for his family and all their future generations. Considering this was a time when wars were near constant and the Roman Empire needed a constant stream of experienced and professional soldiers, trading 25 year of your life for the benefit of all your present and…
And women love monsters, even Hitler got married and laid.