
Perceived Evil Foods by decade:

Just like you need a FWAB (Friend with a boat) instead of owning one, you need a Friend with a Ferrari. :-)

This 6'8"er will never fly Ryanair.

Thinking of actually getting one of these to part the traffic. Everyone pulls aside when you cruise up behind them in one. The only reason to get one, but a good reason anyway.

Adding these to the back of my Leaf ASAP!

How electric cars work:

Problem solved. Reverse engineer scribbles, baby!

The shift in perspective doesn't necessarily mean you can never buy anything expensive. Or even cheap. But the translation into years of retirement can help put an emphasis on what really matters. When you're older, you may be glad you took that trip to Italy, but you probably won't care much about what was on the

Pen that shoots bullets? Pen that shoots bullets, people!

Q: What has 4 wheels and flies?

We can get our asses to Mars (and back) for like, half the cost of two decade-long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Good thing we didn't do that and have that money now!

Headline corrected.

In other words, use a Credit Union (mine is check-marks on all of the above).

And get an MBA in the state you plan to work in. It's about that networking part. I f'd that one up. If you go to Sloan, work in Massachusetts. Not California. Even in California, your network will be of much more help in your career if you went to biz school in the same metro area - e.g. if you're going to work

What happened to that $150,000?

Business & management: $101,572

OK...looking for a place with decent weather, restaurants, no mosquitoes, low(ish) crime, and no snow to shovel. Oh, that just leaves the two most expensive cities!

All I got to say is "These are the people who serve you what you EAT."

I posted a (I later found out) desirable car on Craigslist for "average" condition KBB direct-sale price. I then got six "I'll take it!!!" responses in 15 minutes. I realized the car was hot and KBB was way off, so I pulled the listing, and re-listed it for KBB "excellent" condition dealer price. Got only 3